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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. Are you quite sure they weren't Canadians? I've had Canadians described to me as "polite Americans"...
  2. maybe some amusement..... Pauline Hanson ‘unsure’ about letting Ivan Milat run as One Nation state candidate – The Betoota Advocate
  3. If you get or make the correct tool, you can remove the pins from the plug, then re-pin after you put your sleeve on.
  4. I reckon that has to be out at the Jondaryan Woolshed. They've been doing that display for years.
  5. Yeah, and all socialist media is honest........
  6. There seems to be an abundance of people that don't think there is equality in Korea (North or South). Social inequality worsening in South Korea - World Socialist Web Site http://thediplomat.com/2015/05/north-koreas-3-tiered-society/ Asia Times Online :: North Korea's wealth gap North Korea’s Rich-Poor Divide Income inequality in South Korea the most severe in Asia http://www.economywatch.com/features/The-Growing-Inequality-in-South-Korea.04-15-15.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_South_Korea
  7. We were talking about equality, not wealth.
  8. Or socialism....or any other Ism.
  9. All I was getting at in regard to One Nation is that there is more than one reason people are turning toward them. I personally don't think they are the answer, but I think that they ask some questions the mainstream lifelong pollies have been avoiding. As long as they can provide some opposition to the far left, maybe some middle ground can be reached. As far as running the country....look around, the rest of them aren't really managing. Try researching the One Nation website, they may be able to enlighten you as to their policy. I haven't been there for years, but last time I was , I was surprised at how different the content was in comparison to the media guff.
  10. Well you proved my point exactly, FT. Do you realise that a lot of the students of the Toowoomba private schools come from regional areas of QLD? The private schools are not so much at the mercy of green left that seem to have hijacked most of the public education system. I don't expect much from public schools anymore because they're too busy telling kids what to think instead of how to think, read and write. That is yet another sore point with any of the current govt, They don't realise that just throwing money at a problem won't fix it.
  11. That would depend on whether or not you make the effort to assimilate and embrace the culture, keeping the best bits of your own culture, if you would rather reject our culture, and drag all the problems that were the reason you left your previous place of residence with you, please feel free to leave. I suspect that though you are an immigrant, you have embraced the way of life, make all efforts to support yourself and abide by our laws, and are welcome here. Immigration is only part of what drives Hanson supporters, there are several significant reason they are becoming more popular, but the media can't see the forest for the trees. They would much rather scream "racist" and stick their head in the sand, even though the issues are deeper than that.
  12. Surely the giveaway would be the digital timepiece just sticking out from the jacket sleeve?
  13. M61A1

    Republican win

    Just prosecuting the perpetrators would be a start. So why do we need to treat them as if they are so fragile?
  14. M61A1

    Republican win

    What would propose would address the problem? If the reports are correct, it certainly seems more of a problem in places that have had a high intake of Muslim asylum seekers. It is clear that for a good portion of them, their religion is more important than the law of their new country. I would feel a whole lot better about it if government stopped being so PC about it, and held them accountable as anyone else would be. Rolf Harris for example is doing time, while the perpetrators of Rotherham remain free because the authorities are afraid of being called "racist". Essentially, if our authorities won't hold to the same standards as the rest of the population, why would we want them? I had an Egyptian friend a while back, and some of the conversations I overheard while at his shop did very little to convince me many of them have any respect for our way of life. Even in our own country, we are "tolerated" as a mean to an end. You may mix with a better class, I have seen and lived among the lower end of the spectrum.
  15. M61A1

    Republican win

    How do we feel about this then? Take note of the European countries, UK in particular (cases by the thousands and too useless to prosecute) Prevalence of female genital mutilation by country - Wikipedia
  16. M61A1

    Republican win

    . Wow...."the media survives on conflict and fear", I think that's an accurate statement, now if you could just apply it to most of the stuff you're referring to. After watching a doco (SBS or ABC) a few weeks ago, where a reporter was embedded with some muslims who were supposed to be the "good guys" fighting against isis, I'm even less convinced than ever that there are "moderate" ones. The reporter was trying hard to show them as downtrodden normal people, but they were no different from the ones they were fighting
  17. M61A1

    Republican win

    How about the Navy and asylum seeker story, the live export story and the coverage of almost anything on Nauru, just off the top of my head.
  18. M61A1

    Republican win

    All I was saying is that given the ABC's history of "factual" reporting, particularly about political or environmental issues, One should check various sources and make sure that there is some consistency. I think that Octave has a point though, I don't see why people from Indonesia and Saudi shouldn't be subject to extreme vetting as well. Perhaps the counties listed are where the majority of asylum seekers are coming from.
  19. M61A1

    Republican win

    Oh....you saw it on the ABC, got to be completely truthful:roflmao:
  20. A Apologies. Small screen and in a rush. I was referring to to you, just to be clear.
  21. The only safety sign you should ever need.
  22. You should check out RedMeat then...
  23. Ha ha....I found one for Mary_d..... [ATTACH]48253._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  24. M61A1

    Republican win

    I think that the point was missed.
  25. M61A1

    Republican win

    And of course, everything a celebrity says on twitter is gospel....
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