It is contradictory.....forcing stuff onto people doesn't create a safety culture, it creates hatred and lip service. Smart people (and most are smarter than you think) don't want to kill or hurt themselves and will protect themselves voluntarily.
I don't see any reason to legislate the wearing of seat belt/harnesses and helmets, wise people will do so, sure make a standard so that they are available, let those who won't use them do as they wish. We still allow people the choice to smoke and drink ( 2 big killers) why not choice here.
I think your real cancer ( aside from our unions) is the legal system, everyone does what they do, so they wont get sued. We have lawyers looking to set precedents, and magistrates giving dumb people money for hurting themselves., so managers cover their arxe by being seen to have done something to prevent the lowest common denominator from hurting themselves. Another factor here is HR people and their worthless recruiting processes, once a fool is employed, they are very difficult to get rid of.
The fixation on stopping distance is probably one of the worst things about our driving culture. The whole idea that the default action is to stop is dangerous, in almost every case, a driver could have gone around a hazard but chooses to stop, and subsequently runs into what they were fixated on. No argument with a safe following distance or leaving extra room for heavy vehicles.