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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. Some more Tim Minchin....
  2. Doesn't make it untrue though. especially as it's a interview Religious groups build schools so that they can fill kids heads with their brand of shite so that they can perpetuate their own agenda nothing more.
  3. Happens all the time around here.....but with cars. Headline usually reads something like " MAN KILLED (or woman) AFTER CAR RUNS INTO TREE". Cars also seem to run into semi-trailers a lot too, dunno what the drivers were doing at the time..
  4. And this is for Gnu.... Says it well.
  5. Yes Turbo, most of us are aware of that people have had some form of god/s for much longer than the bible existed. It doesn't make the existence of an actual god any more or less real. I think the "Pigeon Chess" has gone right over your head, or I am playing chess with a pigeon now.
  6. Check the Urban Dictionary....."pigeon Chess"
  7. I think that was the point......that the evidence used to convict was rather flimsy. Put the shoe on the other foot.....how would you feel if it was you, and you were innocent? Everyone has a right to a fair trial, and that was not.
  8. Why.....it's a perfectly good likeness. (Yes I know who it's supposed to be, but it fits him well)
  9. That is the perfect place for the Bible......it's ADULT reading only, and should never be inflicted on children. Like drinking and voting, material regarding life altering decisions should be made as adults not force fed to kids.
  10. From Sickipedia.... "We never had a TV in the family when I was younger," said my granddad. "Well, you have now gramps," I said as I adjusted my dress.
  11. So obviously if you didn't see, it didn't happen. Doesn't matter that Merkel herself has made statements about it, or that the Cologne police chief has been stood down over it or that you can't open any paper without seeing it , been all over television news.....it never happened because it doesn't fit your ideological view. Credibility.....gone.
  12. So, can I assume that you were there then? Seems to be an awful lot of the same story on a lot of different media, quoting people from various authorities, it's even been on the ABC. A lot of people want to pretend it's not going on, but it's getting a bit too much to ignore.
  13. You forgot the reflective stripes.....The last company I worked for spent a fortune replacing all our heavy winter jackets because the standard had changed and the reflective marking patern no longer met the standard. Also, Ops used to phone up to tell us if someone had been seen not wearing their Hi-Viz.
  14. Yes they are...no argument there. The common factor in the case in point was the Hi-viz vest.
  15. It got caught in his concrete cutting machine. That said, they (vests) do seem to have a mind of their own, inasmuch as it's like they will jump out and grab anything they can, from door handles to flight controls, pitot probes and static wicks.
  16. When you use terms like "recent" in OH&S, I would have considered that to be more around 5 years, not 100. Agree things have improved in the last 100 years. I don't think ant significant improvement has been made in the last 30-40 years though. In the current safety environment, if people are still dying at work, OH&S is killing them (I was on a work site where a guy was strangled by his Hi-Viz vest.), or they are really stupid and should just be an example of what not to do. Blindly following OH&S rules will not ensure your safety, in fact they are so rigid and inflexible, at times they are more of a hazard than help. And no I'm not joking. I have no saviour complex, I'm not here to try save humanity from itself.
  17. Will falling off my roof while using a ladder do?
  18. Maybe they specialized in "theoretical " physics, rather than "applied" physics.....
  19. Going to jump in for Dazza here....could we spell ridiculous properly.... please?
  20. Well you still haven't told me of these recent "advances"....what have you got? I'm guessing that you have some involvement in the field. The company I work for has just employed several extra people and spent just over a million dollars upgrading their safety system....a lot of management are Not happy. As these lot have been visiting every workshop around the country with their great new system showing everyone how it works at great expense, more than a few people have asked "what has changed?" They get red in the face and try to distract people and change the subject, because nothing has changed. They've spent over a year and a lot of money rearranging it and calling it new. Australian health and safety people need a massive shift in mindset before most people will take them seriously. Advancements....what are they????????
  21. What recent advances in safety would we referring to? To be an advancement, would suggest have improvement. I haven't seen anything new or better for years now in the workplace heath and safety arena. We may have some improvements in vehicle and helmet technology, as well as some medical advances, but no, safety (road and workplace) has just been more of the same, applied more rigidly, with much the same result.....bugger all. The only real advancements I can think of at the moment are remotely operated tools for those with really dangerous jobs like Explosive Ordnance Demolition.
  22. I think some here may be mistaking formal education or schooling for intelligence....the two are completely unrelated.
  23. It is contradictory.....forcing stuff onto people doesn't create a safety culture, it creates hatred and lip service. Smart people (and most are smarter than you think) don't want to kill or hurt themselves and will protect themselves voluntarily. I don't see any reason to legislate the wearing of seat belt/harnesses and helmets, wise people will do so, sure make a standard so that they are available, let those who won't use them do as they wish. We still allow people the choice to smoke and drink ( 2 big killers) why not choice here. I think your real cancer ( aside from our unions) is the legal system, everyone does what they do, so they wont get sued. We have lawyers looking to set precedents, and magistrates giving dumb people money for hurting themselves., so managers cover their arxe by being seen to have done something to prevent the lowest common denominator from hurting themselves. Another factor here is HR people and their worthless recruiting processes, once a fool is employed, they are very difficult to get rid of. The fixation on stopping distance is probably one of the worst things about our driving culture. The whole idea that the default action is to stop is dangerous, in almost every case, a driver could have gone around a hazard but chooses to stop, and subsequently runs into what they were fixated on. No argument with a safe following distance or leaving extra room for heavy vehicles.
  24. I have to ask.....what made you land...the regs, or your own common sense?
  25. Some years ago, the company I was with tried to implement the DuPont Safety system (they gave it up as a failure inside 2 years). One of the American DuPont guys was telling us of the "tragic" death of a colleague who was dismantling a decommissioned DuPont plant. Short story: he did everything right, harnesses, overalls, gloves, goggles etc, but his harness was attached to the heavy piece of plant he had just cut off and pushed over the side. DuPont guy was very upset at our laughter, " why are you laughing.? This is tragic" Yes it was. I don't think anyone can question the value of safe work practices.....but the " if a little bit is good, more must be better" mentality, is a failure.
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