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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. What didn't work? Sounds to me like Mr Darwin's theory was working just fine.
  2. Here's the first one... http://acrs.org.au/files/papers/arsc/2015/DebnathA%20127%20Worker%20views%20on%20safety%20at%20roadworks.pdf Not exactly what I was looking for, but it does suggest that all your Hi-Viz, flashing lights and beepers just become white noise, and that there are elevated number of crashes at worksites.
  3. Yep, had some fool come out yelling about my lack of hard hat while upside down installing pins, "what are you going to do if that silo (12 tonnes) falls on your head?"....and somehow these people are managers.
  4. I have worked around truckies for near half my working life, have called plenty of them worse than "git" many times when they've done something dumb. The sticker does nothing except prove some form of compliance, what is hard to understand here. Just because both of us, along with most the rest of the community, have manage not to run into someone at roadworks of accident site, does not mean the excess of flashing lights and beepers is not a hazard. I have lost count of the number times I have seen collisions at roadworks, especially at night. ( worked in asphalt for some years), also the number of times in the evening traffic reports, where one accident is followed by several more at the same site. Your attitude is typical of management, they just don't want to hear that what they've done or spent money on isn't working. Any discussion is futile.
  5. Those stickers are an arxe covering exercise and only of value to the company who makes the stickers. They are only there so the boss man can say " it's not my fault, I told him how to do it properly. It not the boss's fault some git can't get in and out of a truck. bullsh1t......If you can see normally at night, let alone a rainy night with all the junk they have going on at roadworks or a prang, your eyesight must must be exceptionally poor in in normal circumstances. Dont know what planet you're on, but it is very common for there to be secondary crashes, while the original is being cleaned up, or around roadworks at night.
  6. Agree completely, this current idea where CEO's and such are held responsible for some idiot's actions will never achieve anything more than lip service compliance, meaning that they will have a bunch ill thought out rules laid out in their manuals and policy statements that give the appearance of being seen to have done something. Doesn't matter if it's impractical or useless, so long as they've been seen to have done something to address perceived issues. Efficiency officers will just add another parasite in addition to to the safety, quality and training officers they already need to employ. Turb's, when the whole world's in high viz, no one stands out. That means a guy in an orange vest standing in front of 200 orange witch's hats is invisible. The silly rules save people the world doesn't need while the rest of us suffer, I think they call it "devolution".
  7. So.....how come we keep calling them tragedies when pilots keep killing themselves in the same predictable ways?
  8. Well FT, the only thing you've achieved here is trolling...and a pretty average effort at that. Not a constructive thing to be heard from you, no solutions, no wisdom, no reassurance. Your lack of foresight is both amazing and disturbing. I wont block you, because like Pearl Harbour, you are a reminder that some things should have never been allowed to happen.
  9. That's ok, everything you post comes out in a Ralph Wiggum voice in my head. I don't recall mentioning Pauline Hanson.
  10. And if that minority is grossly over represented in crime stats? Do we stick our in the sand so as not to offend the criminals? Actually, I know what the answer s, I shouldn't have even questioned the status quo, or I'll be a racist or a bigot or something else nasty.
  11. And that makes it acceptable??????
  12. FT, Once again, while your statement may be correct, it's completely and utterly irrelevant to what I'm talking about.
  13. I have worked my arxe off for bugger all for a long period of my life. What it means is that you need to do more help yourself. If you can't see how that works, I am certainly beginning to imagine that a city full FTs wouldn't fare well in rough times, they'd just be sitting there waiting for handouts, and criticising the rest of the world for not helping them.
  14. It would appear that the mindset of the communities differ completely. Not sure where you are from, but it wasn't just Brisane affected in 2011, I saw many people from all backgrounds pitching in and cleaning up repeatedly, sadly, the same wasn't seen in New Orleans, just Looting. Average earnings have nothing to do with your ability to help yourself. Possible just the media, but images appeared to be the same everywhere. Also I helped defence support after Yasi, from appearances most of the clean up was done by locals helping each other. FT likes to compare apples and oranges. None of his "facts" are relevant as usual.
  15. Yes, I've spent time there. ( and a few other countries)The only thing I liked about the place was that anyone could get somewhere if they wanted to. A lot of QLDers were uninsured too, but you know what? They got out the tools and fixed it themselves. Race has a lot less to do with whether or not you succeed than than your personal drive to succeed. Those who desire to do well, will, those who don't, make excuses.
  16. Off topic, I know, but I'm with Jeremy Clarkson on this one.....quoted as saying "Then you’ve got New Orleans, which, nearly a year after Katrina, is still utterly smashed and ruined. Now I’m sorry but insects can build shelter on their own. Birds can build nests without a state handout. So why are the people of Louisiana sitting around waiting for someone else to do the repairs? …" When QLD was flooded, most of it was sorted very quickly, by people who got together and helped each other. People got off their arxes and did something for themselves.
  17. Agreed, ISIS will not be stopped by bombs, they certainly wont be stopped by talking about it or posting pictures on social media. Regardless of who started it, it needs to be stopped in it's tracks. Troops on the ground will be needed, and it will need to be thoroughly destroyed. World leaders need to stop pandering and get serious. Might like to ask yourself how your life might change for the better under IS?
  18. If they want to die for their god. oblige them....
  19. It has been said that the difference between a radical Muslim and a moderate Muslim is: A radical Muslim wants to kill you and your family, a moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to kill you and your family.
  20. From Sickipedia... "Batman, we need your help in Paris immediately." "Worry not, Commissioner, I've already changed my Facebook profile picture."
  21. A two year old could show the Americans how to win a war. Any war needs to be fought without the silly legal and ethical restraints we put on ourselves. The enemy is clearly amoral, unethical and ruthless, they will not be beaten unless we apply the same rules. Enough trolling for one day FT, you can't be that stupid.
  22. To quote the internet......" can't tell if trolling or just really stupid"
  23. It will work exceptionally if we forget the bleeding hearts and do the job properly.
  24. Treat them like a cancer.......you don't see doctors telling you that you need to be sympathetic to your cancers needs. It is unfortunate, but the only way to sort this crap out, is to completely destroy it, forget that Christian crap about turning the other cheek, and not lowering ourselves to their level. Like a cancer, if it is not completely destroyed, it will destroy us. Islam does not "reach out" to children, like any religion, it brainwashes them.
  25. I recommend reading 2 books- "Things Bogans Like", and "Boganomix", both tongue in cheek, but I think there is a lot of truth cleverly hidden in the humour.
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