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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. Well, they've managed to shut Holden, Toyota and the construction industry can only hang in there because it's hard to import whole buildings. I'm sure that you'd rather blame the govt for not protecting them. what do insurance companies have to do with war? If you need to worry about what an insurance company will or won't do in war you've lost before you've started.
  2. Try googling "Mk 60 Captor".
  3. I hope you're referring to the unions, they've sold out most of the industry we used to have, and are destroying what's left.
  4. Did some checking....as I thought, one of the hurdles we had when bargaining was that there was no award or union that covered what we do. Our Test is that no- one can be worse off than previously.
  5. Too much effort for too little reward. The market is saturated enough without me.
  6. The problem with our unions is that much like our politicians, they're not in it for the good of the people, but to line their own pockets. They're called unions but they're not really. It's not hard to be better off than any union negotiated award.
  7. Who said I wasn't happy with what I have right now? I was a party to my negotiations....no unions involved.
  8. Nope.....and personally, I did much better out of individual (where better workers get paid more than slackards) agreements than enterprise bargaining.
  9. Yep, been around for years. Yes, we had the Ikara years ago too
  10. Be sure to write a thankyou note to our wonderful unions.
  11. Buying elsewhere would be the logical outcome of learning from our mistakes about manufacturing here....
  12. I don't think anyone here wants to see you Coming Phil.....
  13. More....[ATTACH]48355._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]48354._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. Ha ha ha, atheists argue about trivia and ancient myths?.....the irony.
  15. Much like those who pray to god for those affected by earthquake/flood/fire/tsunami........that'll be to the same god who just tried to destroy those people with earthquake/flood/fire/tsunami.
  16. Unfortunately, I think it's the latter, and that sooner or later we'll run the place into the ground. Even if we had a politician with big enough balls the sort our country out, they'd only be in for one term, because they wouldn't be popular. Then the very next popular one would undo it all.
  17. Probably the wisest thing anyone said about politics on this forum.
  18. Didn't realise we relied so heavily on the porn industry.....Check YouTube.....the Internet is for porn.
  19. Surely this country has bigger problems than fast internet........
  20. I'm no expert, but, they used diesel powered machinery to mine, transport( several times through the process), and most likely coal to power the refining and poduction processes, not to mention the assorted chemicals mined and refined if you have batteries. Make sure you include that in your calculations. I have solar too, but it didn't appear out of nowhere.
  21. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/11/21/renewable_energy_simply_wont_work_google_renewables_engineers/ Have proper read...I'd be happy if they were wrong.
  22. Giving everyone solar panels and batteries might make the greens feel good, but all they are doing while reducing our carbon output is increasing someone else's. The environmental cost of producing renewables, at this stage is more than the benefits gained. Somewhere, someone is burning coal and processing chemicals so that you can claim to be environmentally friendly.
  23. And that is why nothing of substance happens here any more. Lawyers and accountants run the shop. We're so safety conscious/risk averse, we don't do anything.
  24. You know your country has gone to crap when whether or not you can insure it is more important than the technology.
  25. relevance???....what's the point in spending up on stuff that wont work? I love the idea of renewable energy, but it has to be feasible.
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