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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. Some other stuff to think about.... http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=17528
  2. Could also be labour on budget issues......
  3. It would have to be a lot worse before it was as bad as Labour was in their last term. (not suggesting they're great, just "least worst")
  4. Some food for thought.... http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/google-engineers-explain-why-they-stopped-rd-in-renewable-energy
  5. When it comes to money, there are no gullible Indians. The wool is being pulled.
  6. When they had the will to do the job properly, they didn't the tools, now we've got the tools to do the job, they want to pussyfoot around, and wont do the job properly.
  7. We could really use some politicians that have actually had some experience running a proper business, and turning a profit.
  8. That's reassuring to hear. I can safely assume then that you don't believe there is a god.
  9. Since science has been able to explain the phenomenons that early religion relied on, most of us have enough information to be able to figure out they're all scams, not just Christianity. So what's your scam?
  10. Well, no, not really. What is means is that some of us like to see evidence, rather than blindly believe what some psychologically suspect people tell us. You like to see real statistics, and real results, you frequently bring these things up, when talking regulating stuff, why shouldn't the same degree of proof be required for something that's supposed to be so important? I read a joke recently, which has a lot of truth to it..... Does anyone see the irony of Christians claiming to abhor gambling, then bet their whole life on there being a god and an afterlife? Not believing in a god, doesn't mean you don't believe in anything.
  11. There was a letter in a paper the other day from a reader who was surprised that that pope had no faith in God to control the temperature of the planet the he created.
  12. The Airtourer vertical stab and rudder is set a bit fwd, you can just see the tip if you look closely
  13. Judas: See you at the last supper later on. Jesus: What? Judas: Umm, I meant the normal supper, like usual
  14. Comedian Jim Jeffries speaks of his friend with ms... http://tune.pk/video/1189422/jim-jefferies-takes-dan-to-a-whorehouse warning!! not for kiddies
  15. I disagree, we have problems with ISIL because we are too tolerant. They should be treated as you would treat a cancer.
  16. Well, they wont do it again.
  17. That's what I learned at school.When did reporters start using terms like " an historical event"?
  18. Maybe if you talk to a good lawyer, you could prove some sort of lineage and go for a claim to get those wages reimbursed, with interest.
  19. Please tell me how any of the listed factors killed 40 pedestrians. I am interested now, surely there weren't that many vehicles on the footpath.
  20. There never was a problem, this is just someone trying to create a market. If we as a nation are stupid enough to force registration of cyclists, then where does it end? strollers? pedestrians have to do prerequisite training before being allowed on the footpath? There are things that should remain freedoms. The very last thing we need in this country is more restrictions on our freedoms. If this idiocy becomes enforced, the considerate cyclists have every right to despise the inconsiderate ones, and the clowns who thought it a good idea to make the legislation.
  21. Had a read, seems to completely miss the point.Yes there are inconsiderate pricks in both camps, but this thread is about inconsiderate cyclists. Why not start a thread about inconsiderate motorists, I have plenty to say about them a well.
  22. A car driver around here, doing 70 in a 100 zone is going to wear some abuse ( for being an inconsiderate prick), so what's your point? They're entitled, yes, but It's certainly not comsiderate
  23. [ATTACH]47486._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  24. No, unfortunately. In QLD they are legally entitled to block as much traffic as they like. The new ads on the telly though, suggest that even though they are entitled, they should be considerate. Would've thought it much more practical to legislate single file unless overtaking.
  25. Yeah, can't argue with that, but I was responding to a post about what's happening here, in Australia, now.
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