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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. Check out the Liam McGill case, paid years of CS to a woman for kids that weren't his, took it to court, won his case, CSA appealed, 10's of thousands later, no refunds, and hit with CSA's legal bill. http://www.australianpaternityfraud.org/news_magill.htm
  2. Well it certainly wasn't the "son of god".
  3. No, I object to people having those views forced on them, especially children. Our government is supposed to be secular, this benefits all religion. You may have strong religious views, that's your right, but I have the right to question and disregard those same views, but not discriminate against you. Should I be discriminated against for not sharing your views, expect some problems.
  4. I saw some of it and was disgusted. Hardly a realistic portrayal of the situation, selective journalism at it's worst.
  5. After 19 years of it I'm finally out of their system, but there are many just starting their long journey of government sanctioned financial and psychological abuse. I've heard many horror stories about CSA, mine is mild compared to some, I saw stats somewhere claiming that around 5% of Australian CSA payers end up committing suicide, it would not surprise me if that were accurate.
  6. I can't vouch for everyone, but I hope that we're not a "Christian" nation, those doctored American emails carrying on about one nation under god, do not apply here. You can be ethical and have morals without religion.
  7. Most zealots hang together in groups where their ideas are reinforced and not questioned. As for the refugee system, someone once said....."no man knows how much he can endure until he must". I lived in a system like that once, trapped, unable and not allowed to leave the country, forced to work long hours for a pittance, constantly threatened and belittled. They call it the Child Support Agency.
  8. Should you like I drop by and share good word of the "Church of Satan" with you? Pick any imaginary friend, we can talk about that if it helps you get through life.
  9. Realistically, when they start using them for slave labour and/or gassing them, you might get away with calling them "concentration camps". If they were trustworthy, fences wouldn't be necessary now would they?
  10. The fact that some of them have since decided to return home rather than stay here, would be a very strong hint they they were not genuine to begin with, and therefore illegal.
  11. Half right, humans yes......like me/ us......mostly not.
  12. Refer post 123 for the answer, aside from other thinly veiled comments.
  13. Aside from the not feeling guilty bit, we are at completely opposite end of the spectrum here. There can be no agreement on this one.
  14. I think you've completely missed the point, and that being a "one size fit's all" rule, could be very unfair.
  15. I'm a bit unsure of this one....someone who works hard and forgoes luxury earlier in life, to set themselves up, can be penalised compared to those who spent all their money living it up, then want to be supported by the taxpayer.
  16. Depends on how much it costs to live doesn't it? I'd rather be poorer and have a bit of freedom to think for myself, than earn well & spend most of it conforming to regulation.
  17. I'd be fairly certain there would be a few polls out there that set their questions carefully too....to make sure they get the answer they want.
  18. We have the right to oppose other undesirables, yes our ancestors were undesirable to the indigenous folk, it doesn't mean I should feel guilty about that and let it happen again. If the Aboriginals had better border control things might have worked better for them. We have the option of better border control, use it wisely, there a few European countries regretting their loose immigration policies at the moment Yes, I agree that it was essentially an invasion, but there have been a lot of countries change hands over the years, are we going to demand that we go back and give them all of those countries/continents back to the first provable inhabitants?
  19. Is there much work for helicopter/fixed wing aircraft maintainers? I can drive and fix asphalt plant stuff as well.
  20. How is life in Brazil? I can see that things are going down hill in this country and fast. How tight are the flying regs, and what boxes do I need to tick to move there?
  21. I think that you've proved the point that if you let the undesirables in, they will ruin the place.
  22. Dazza is on the money..............I work with lot of people who have spent many years in the Middle East, you can spout the usual cries of "racist", but I have yet to hear one of them have something positive to say about the sort of people they ad to work with. The bleeding hearts here have no idea what sort of people they are standing up for. We are too soft, and suckers for a sob story, and the illegals know it.
  23. I saw a documentary called "The truth about killing" a few years ago, I can't vouch for the accuracy of their claims, but they suggested that on average there about 2% psychopaths.
  24. Then move to where the work is , it works for the rest of us. Maccas is for part time students who want pocket money. Having said that, there are people in my small town who have 2 or 3 part time jobs to make ends meet.
  25. It takes as long as it takes to do the job properly. If the conditions here are worse than where you were, you shouldn't be here.
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