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Everything posted by M61A1

  1. What a pointless thread......
  2. What he said was not name calling. Look at the link.
  3. I use the Ralph Wiggum voice for some......
  4. Yeah........it started as someone's joke, then it got serious, then it got put in off-topic, as apparently it was considered "not funny".
  5. Going to have to disagree there in regard to the first bit, While I'd have to agree that some prejudice is gained during one's upbringing, a hell of a lot is gained through one's life experiences, in fact I have a few, that I know I certainly didn't have through school or growing up. Get bitten once, you get wary, twice or more, and you lose any trust, human or not.
  6. Relevance??
  7. Or maybe from life's experience.....
  8. Not necessarily mates, but some are fixers, some are flyers.
  9. I work with quite a few that have done time in both, consistently, they tell a different story.
  10. Isn't that a bit like playing Monopoly, then choosing which rules you play by?
  11. I thought this was an interesting perspective.
  12. One error I hear/see regularly is "you can't do that", when what they really mean is "you're not allowed to do that". The laws of physics determine what you can or can't do....the laws of men determine what you're not allowed to do. Often the two are very different. When some says 'you can't do that", I see it as a challenge to prove that you can ( I make sure physics says I can first).
  13. I'm fairly certain that the "underwater basket weaving" course is commonly used by children no longer eligible for Child Support under normal circumstances (over 18), to receive payments from a parent (normally the one who hasn't been allowed to be part of their life), up until the age of 28 years.
  14. I think that the first step would be to encourage learning (proper learning, not just repeat what I say), and make parents responsible for their kid's crappy behaviour. That includes backing up the teacher instead of taking little Johnny's side when he acts a bellend. The best teachers in the world will not be able to teach someone who doesn't value learning. I see a lot of students who just don't care, and parent's who don't care about that.
  15. Whatever do you mean? What is wrong with "welcome to facebook"?
  16. Reminds of a quote attributed to one of Barry Sheene's primary school teacher's......"Barry needs to learn that the world does not revolve around motorcycles, nor will thinking it does earn him a living".
  17. Along a similar line..........I hate when someone posts a clip, titles it something like "Massive crosswind landing in 747", you have a look and it's some bellend teen flying a flight sim.
  18. Sounds strangely familiar.
  19. Yep, to quote Stan Marsh of SouthPark, "every election you will ever vote in, will always come down to a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich" (Stan lecturing his son on his responsibilty to vote on the school mascot- a giant douche or turd sandwich).
  20. I must be on borrowed time then, until recently I was riding around 50000 k's a year, it's a lot less now but I still ride frequently.
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