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Everything posted by AVOCET

  1. At last , you get it . Its about how you live your life and get on with your neighbour , When jesus implied this , some smart ass religious nut chalanged him as said Who is my Neighbour ? Mike
  2. Bex and i went to the same F.U 10 years apart Our piers were the good old solid type , you know , the ones you jump off , to get ahead . Mike
  3. Bex , Show her a photo of the Avocet , and get her to autograph it for me will ya . Mike.
  4. Im a bit slow , " just try selling the rights " Is that a threat to me , or ian ?
  5. Whats to stop some one using this stuff and other posts to use a basis for a script. ??? Does Ian have a leagal hold ? Mike .
  6. I carnt believe i said that . And i carnt believe i just replied to my own post !
  7. Phill , i did my apprenticeship with old Jack Simpson who flu spitfires in the Battle of Britten He was shot down 8 times and survived , had a scare on every part of his body , He argued black and blue that the last landing was accompanied by " angles from Mons " 0n his wing Any thoughts?
  8. I recon George washington has turned that many times in his grave , that hes about to resurface in Darwin in the NT
  9. Thats about the only thing that ties all Alfa males together , no mater what species , belief , or prejidous 'ss'ss Probly the only thing we can all agree on !
  10. DrWho , If babies in the womb could communicate to each other by WI FI , They would all agree that life was only 9 months old ,then the trapdoor opens and bang there gone . To them death . Not an afterlife , but more life . Get the picture . Can you bind the sweet influences of the of the Peladies ( spelling dazza) God asked Job? ( not bad for ignorant goat hearders ) Mike .
  11. Nudge , nudge , wink, wink . Say no more
  12. I find the book of Job interesting , When God asked Job , Have you entered into the tresures of the snow ? Or , the arch of the earth , Or All the rivers run into the sea , yet the sea is not full , ....... ( rain cycle) The list goes on. Mike
  13. what ? You also a phyc. Now .? Ive also read that folk that go about building new types of aircraft or whatever have a similar phycosis ! Go figure that folks . After reding about these " make , acceptance " by peers crap , i can see how gulable minds with no ability can come to these conclusions . Mike always in pain , ( ask any one who knows me )
  14. I I recon there should be a prize , what are the odds , and just image the intrigue if those two time codes were 42 . Hang on its 47 & 48 now ? Whats go'in on? Sounds like a conspirocy !!!
  15. I just noticed our last posts have the same time post , Great minds ?
  16. these late night rants are becomming tiresome , Is this realy you talking or what ?
  17. Im afraid I'm ditto on that one , Mike
  18. We Well said Nev .
  19. So wheres this machine now , or better still the Tesla's reserch ? Surly this is just another ..( you tell me )?
  20. Wh Whats this " free energy " machine , Havent met one machine yet that was free , Even the dunnys at flinders st. station used to cost a penney , !!!! Mike
  21. Dreams , A multitude of the days business . I Can relate to that .
  22. Doing this on an i phone is a pain ! Sorry
  23. Just for the record , that was Bex's post , WAKE up sun shine !
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