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Everything posted by AVOCET

  1. The HG is the key , Recieve the holy Spirit , and its no longer the natural man thats trying to work it all out . Remember it was Jesus who said , You must be borm again to see( comprehend ) the king dom of God , Like the wind , you hear the sound there of . And no man enters , Ect. Also if youve got a problem with it being to hard , Outer darkness comes to mind , Or do you know better ? Mike
  2. All the thief was promissed was , " today you will be with me in paradise " Paridise , in the greek = plot , or garden , All he promised the thief was that today you will be with me, in the plot , or grave ! Mike
  3. Man shall live by every word of God , Stop cherry picking the " pecieved " easy way , Remember , blind leaders of the blind . Mike
  4. Why not give the whole message of christ as regards salvation , Mark 16 , baptisim , Acts 2 , recieving HG Acts 19 ect ect . Remember , signs follow beleivers , Believers enter the kingdom Or have you like so many denomonations , gone soft on the truth , . As not to offend? Mike
  5. God created the earth in six days ? Hebrew language says 6 yom's ( days ) not necessarily 24 hr day . Ref. strongs . = 6 "periods of time " = makes more sence ! Flood over whole earth ? Localised event ( known world )and only domestic animals on the ark . According to hebrew tex . Adam first man ? Adams son , Cain , fled to the city of Nod after slaying Able and took a wife And no , i dont go to church ! Cristianity ,as most other belief systems , has lost the plot ( lukewarm , or fanatical , or take your pick .) When the word says that the " uncompromisingly righteous will be saved , its no wonder no one wants a bar of it , or is able to live up to it . Christianity just cherry pick the bits they think they want to comply with and disregard the weightier meat of the word . This is why i believe christianity has no unity or strength , or wisdom , or knowledge , just a heap of superstition . Its been my experiance , that most people dont like the nity grity of the word , because the they havent taken the time to thourghly study it , Im not talking theology ,which is just an interlectual exersise to manipulate the truth for religious gain and position .And those roabs and parrafenailier , No thanks ( reminds me of scribes and pharasies ) That 'll do .( im sure youll agree ) Mike
  6. You dont know what you dont know . Listning to generally smart people argue over the meaning of life stuff , On this site !! And ...............? Yea ......naaah Mike
  7. Druidvale ( no pun , honestly rattled me on my boots when i found out the name , ) has a great story to tell of the "Forresters " who made Druidvale a place of much activity in the 1870's , with a huge blacksmithing buisines, bugy making ect , Ihave unearthed a number of artifacts and parifinalia , in the ruins after the fire , theres eaven 12 large stones scatered in the padock . Since then its been a hive of activity with the latest infer structure made on site from the rail lines from the Old Ghann that was ripped up in the 70's The latest incarnation is me it seems , As the locals continualy remind me , "The man who build aeroplanes ". Anyway , red wine and an open fire is available any time , mix that with good company and a stary sky , and aircraft of corse . Mike
  8. I have the same problem
  9. The down fall of every catholic, Read the word . Trust in the lord with all your heart and LEAN NOT to you own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. Prov. Its worked for my famly and i 35 years + . Started in acts 2 , mark 16 , acts 19 for starters. Cuts out all the men that think they know it all ( spiritly speaking)
  10. Faith , the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen. What faith can an atheist have ? Belief in nothing =nothing . Thats all I'll post about that. The rest you can hear at Druidvale . IYWT. Mike
  11. Havent seen that episode yet . Dont tell me how ot ends .
  12. A As long as you don't talk theology or politics .
  13. Or we could all just go back to beating each other up with clubs , Which will probably happen sooner or later .
  14. It doesn't work when u take on the mantle ( avatar ) of a great figure in history and then carry on in a vitriolic manner based on a political point of view . Who would do that . Stick to aviation matters where i can respect your expertise . Mike
  15. 4.5. K/w On the hanger one year ago , haven't paid a bill yet , Solar hot water , tank water , couldn't have done it without a subsidy ,
  16. Gee i wish i still had my 750 Honda cop bike , carn't remember the model , but its the one the hell angles thought was a real bike . 1976 i think ?
  17. W what about my 74 xl350E. $$$$$
  18. I'm just plodding along with an I phone My 12 year old sons now 21 computer mad !
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