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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. APN is a dog that Fairfax bought thinking it could consolidate and syndicate news, its for sale if you are interested.
  2. There's never been a more exciting time to start selling Oakey spring water... Pauline Hanson takes up Oakey contamination fight
  3. No anything over 35c is hot, 25c is comfortable
  4. Cork is only grown in the EU, sorry Phil
  5. 27c is not a heat wave HOTTEST SUMMER EVER on the way: HEATWAVE to roast Britain within a FORTNIGHT
  6. Super was never designed to be anything more than a replacement for the pension, Howard turned it into a tax dodge and a golden parachute. Taxpayers would be better off just paying the pension and scrapping super as its the largest discretionary item in the budget now.
  7. The $1.6m goes up $100000 a year
  8. If you have been divorced and your ex took half your super they have also taken half your lifetime cap :/
  9. Matthew, invest in M61a1's new Oakey spring water plant, Pauline Hanson drinks it every day and she will live to 100
  10. Nuclear reactors for electricity run for profit are a different ball game to medical reactors. The reason the libs are advocating the nuclear option is the huge amounts of political donations that those big American power companies bring with them.
  11. The problem with nuclear is there is plenty of money in building them but not any money in running them. Hence they are run into the ground fairly quickly and the safety mechanisms are prone to failure.
  12. You should vote liberal democrats, these guys don't make any secret that they are in politics to enrich themselves. They don't think the gov should stop you selling that Oakey spring water, let the free market work out if its poisonous Election 2016: Cash for candidacy: Leaked documents show $500,000 offer to become Liberal Democratic senate candidate
  13. We've clocked up $300b in debt in 3 years under the libs
  14. No country can avoid the possible consequences of adopting nuclear power, the shutdown of Japan's nuclear generators has had a massive impact on their manufacturing sector. One victim was the HKS ultralight engine, which went of production post Fukushima. After Five Years, What Is The Cost Of Fukushima?
  15. 'The Cattle Duffer': Insiders wraps up Barnaby Joyce's eventful week
  16. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1190203794332140
  17. the buck stops somewhere
  18. if your feeling poorly Neil, grab a jug of Mick's Oakey spring water
  19. Its all academic now, it will never get built and solar and wind are closing the gap cost wise
  20. Mick you should follow your heart and create a smaller gov by taking a redundancy and starting Mick's "Politically Incorrect Spring Water" your motto can be "The Government says it causes cancer but we're still alive".
  21. Now the bloody greenies won't let you drink that sweet oakey water and its safe as houses
  22. its hard when the truth about your corrupt political parties keeps popping up greens vote has only just past 10%, that's not exactly the 51% mob rule is it?
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