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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. you're missing Kermit Weeks if you're not on Facebook
  2. If a rider falls in a forest, and nobody sees it, is it really sport?
  3. I want to die like my granddad, peacefully in his sleep, not like his 3 passengers screaming and terrified
  4. Ok this is the plan: we should ban high vis. now who wants to visit their sons in hospital?
  5. You have to remember a lot of the legal requirements for safety procedures comes from the insurance industry. Its the free market at its finest.
  6. so how did your Uncle Otto die? He was killed in a roadside explosion... Its always sad to see another NRA member meet an unfortunate end, take heed GNu, Jesus punishes harshly
  7. back in the 80s they used to call this "going postal" because all these mass workplace shootings kept on happening in the USPS. But I respect your right to call this "muslim terrorism" because the media want to report the facts in the story as part of a narrative about Muslim terrorism.
  8. mate your flogging a dead horse here. prove that mussies are mass killing americans and Ill buy you lunch
  9. dead men tell no lies http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
  10. 99.9% of mass shooters in the US are god fearing christians, its the one thing they do really really well.
  11. bad news GNu:freaked:, Halal is staying and your money is still going to syria every time you fill your car with Halal petrol. https://newmatilda.com/2015/12/03/cory-bernardi-and-the-little-halal-truther-campaign-that-couldnt/
  12. the UK economy would collapse if it relied on the whites. that's the whole point of having an empire, import cheap goods india and africa to prop up your economy.
  13. As far as not being able to find work post apprenticeship, that's pretty common experience, apprentices are cheaper than paying adult trade's assistant wages. Blame the unions for giving you false sense of entitlement and giving you the opportunity to improve your life.
  14. Gareth, In Aus we have a net migration of 200,000 ppl a year, mostly wealthy people or students who's parents are wealthy enough to pay the cost of a university education + visa, if each person brought in $200K in assets, that's approx $40B inflow of capital. $40B every single year.
  15. Phil you don't really understand why western democracies have such high immigration policies do you? Once women in the west are free to chose between having children or working, a lot of them chose not to have kids at all, a lot chose to limit their reproduction significinatly, only a few go onto to become welfare fraudsters. Whereas, your poor migrants from shit hole countries with high infant mortality come from the culture of having large numbers of kids to cover the inevitable infant deaths is normal and encouraged. Working class women who have large families are revered in poorer countries but in the west they are portrayed as stupid, lazy and unworthy of state support. In Aus, only 60% of women have children, the UK wouldn't be far from that number, those that do chose mostly to have 2-3 kids, leaving the issue of an aging population and a declining workforce to pay the pensions of the idle grandparent class. When you finally go to the old pilots home, chances are the guy wiping your asse will be some sort of non-anglo ethnic.
  16. The NHS is bad Phil and should be scrapped so that people are free to chose the health care that they want. The Pension is bad, pensions are making it too easy for people to take off for Spain. If you want to live in Spain, do it on your own pound! Cameron is a brave man and should have his war
  17. One of the fundamentals of mateship is knowing who you mates aren't.
  18. What do you do when Pauline threatens your turf? double up on crazy bitch Veteran's breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Jacqui has there backs.
  19. that was donated to her by an admirer, she made a poster out of it. Take that Obama! [ATTACH]47769._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  20. When Jacqui is not fighting Islam she is curing the world of drug addicts [ATTACH]47768._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. Believing war time propaganda about how our values made us stronger is bad for your mental health. Imagine being drafted and having daz and m61 telling you how cutting the guts out of every muslim is the only thing for it, every damn day. My old man was a nasho and the old codgers at the RSL told him that fighting in maylasia wasn't a real war and that because he was drafted he wasn't a real digger.
  22. The RSL also refused to serve aboriginals... don't let that mateship nonsense taint your view of history.
  23. Remember when the lads got back from Vietnam and the RSL refused to serve them?
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