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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. apparently you never leave the windscreen out of an XD for any period of time, you never get it back in
  2. You sound like Pauline whenever you talk about the need for urgent action and the imminent danger.
  3. OK, do we need to run a kindegarden for you dimwits? Oil, you can't live without remember? [ATTACH]47767._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. I can see your face Mick, when you realise, after weeks of reading crime stats "for no particular reason", muslims are breaking the law
  5. Pauline is your voice, Bill and Malcolm aren't going to round up and execute the Muslims in Australia.
  6. You know when you open the door for Pauline Hanson you open the door to something much worse and not much different to extremism from religious people. This is the mental picture I have of you "reading" crime stats
  7. Find a minority, work yourself into a lather about them raping the women and hitting the children, repeat.
  8. There are no go areas in every city, calm down
  9. Wait, the UK still have to hold the referendum to disconnect from the internet
  10. *pauline hanson voice* but people say that about sydney
  11. Bush will be remembered as the greatest President
  12. [ATTACH]47764._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  13. Phil, England will stand defiant, alone after leaving the EU, in the face of desperate innocent refugees seeking a peaceful life and for centuries this will be known as England's finest hour.
  14. IS not so fussy about who's on the airliner either
  15. I keep telling you Mick, the mess that in NO is because the poor people left NO after Katrina. They cut their losses and moved on, the city can't bulldoze the houses because they need permission from the owners to do so.
  16. England leaving the EU can only make England stronger Phil
  17. Mick you work a 40 hour week at $7.25 for a year and tell us how good life is
  18. Again I wonder where Mick gets his information from, 254,000 ppl left NO after Katrina and 134,000 housing units destroyed. Brisbane floods where 100 houses destroyed and 28,000 flooded Its like he reads the comic section of the newspaper first and then onto the sports pages.
  19. or as our elected PM said we need to get rid of Turnbull and get Tony back in charge
  20. good news on the terrorism front http://www.afr.com/opinion/columnists/no-sniping-tony-abbotts-pot-shots-at-malcolm-turnbull-plumb-new-low-20151119-gl3d7m
  21. [ATTACH]47760._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  22. You are aware how America works right, if you are poor and black: you work for peanuts, you can't get finance, you can't get health insurance, you can't afford education, if your up to your neck in water you will drown. With New Orleans most of the reconstruction is halted due to insurance companies not paying out or folks not being insured and not having jobs because their employers went bust after the flood. There was a mass exodus out of New Orleans and the people have moved on. Who told you that there was masses of folks living in the abandoned parts of New Orleans? You are ill informed
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