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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. 2Lt is a bit small for the Mondeo, Focus sits on about 4.5L/p100km
  2. [ATTACH]47759._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. Its weird how the RWNJs all think that English stood together under the tyranny of the Nazi bombardment, do they ever read any history that isn't propaganda? http://www.theguardian.com/society/2010/aug/29/blitz-london-crime-flourish-blackout http://www.theweek.co.uk/politics/3149/nation-looters-it-even-happened-blitz The Tories where more than happy to appease Hitler, Churchill was the lone dissenting voice inside the Tory party. Its almost like they forget the Torie's support for Hitler led to the invasion of Poland.
  4. The weird thing was there was a huge evacuation of British cities during the blitz, not just women and children. Surely GNu and the RWNJs would have known that, the poms didn't advertise the fact that men where part of the evacuation because that would have fed German propaganda. Even Tony Abbott's father Dick evacuated to Australia to avoid military service.
  5. Beating the Russians, even with a little help, has done wonders for their confidence
  6. Let's not forget who the grand daddy of arming the Islamic freedom fighters was [ATTACH]47755._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. that sort of endorsement is enough for me
  8. One snake is ok, it's when there are more than 2 I start to get worried
  9. I'm easy, let the saudis sort them out.
  10. Round up every d!ckhead in Australia that wants to kill a muslim and give them a one way trip to saudi arabia.
  11. IS can't be stopped by bombs though, yesterday they called a bomb hoax on 2 air france airliners, so today everyone thinks twice about booking with air france. MetroJet was looking marginal prior to the bombing, so it might fold. Economic warfare is hard to win
  12. Its really hard to see how the ADF under Turnbull will ever step foot offshore.
  13. Gnu's world view never fails to impress me.
  14. If you can't trust the word of a creationist or a funde, who can you trust?
  15. If you remember back to the 1970-80s there where a lot of unscrupulous Indian gurus exploiting westerners, usually turning the followers in slaves or exploiting rich followers for financial gain. Many of these gurus based their beliefs of corruptions of Hindu, yet I never remember Hindus being asked to denounce the actions of the rogue operators. I remember there where some crazy christian religions running around, and yet we never ask the pope to denounce them. Do you remember Jim Jones? He killed 300 children and ruined countless lives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones
  16. a lot of people are making a lot of money
  17. @nomadpete did you miss the royal commission into child abuse? the christian terrorists are pedophiles
  18. There is the Australia you think you live in and the one that GNu occupies
  19. GNu showing compassion for anyone
  20. this shows how gullible you are, the press rarely fact check on a fast breaking story Its always weird how the one thing a terrorist takes with him is his fake syrian passport. this picture on the left got a run in major spanish and italian newspapers apparently a large number of Europeans [and Australians and Americans and Canadians and English and ....] can't tell the difference between a sihk and a muslim
  21. [ATTACH]47750._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  22. For the right sort of money i can tell you where the 5000, that's right 5000, ISIS gunmen are hiding in the EU. I can't guarantee you'll catch all of them but you will catch some of them. Payment via Western Union
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