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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. The Abbott family came to aus in 1942
  2. but putting the helmet on sideways really showed how little the ADF thought of him.
  3. social media brings out the raw emotions of people [ATTACH]47749._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. @Ultralights only one man can keep us safe... [ATTACH]47748._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. Mick I'm sorry I interrupted your delusion that the ADF is relevant. I always loved how the ADF made Howard wear his helmet crooked, it always made him look incompetent [ATTACH]47747._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. Mick, are you and the ADF going to show the Americans how to win a war?
  7. Always the bleeding hearts, the military always have an excuse.
  8. how did that work out in Afghanistan and Iraq?
  9. Lets hope that England does the right thing and leaves the EU.
  10. Islam has been effective in reaching out to vast numbers of poor middle eastern kids in a way that Christianity hasn't done since Roman times. You can't bomb an idea so what can the west really do? Give these kids the pathway to a decent job, a nice house and a happy family. But that's not how capitalism works, you have to have a large pool of idle labor to keep wages low and demand high.
  11. You need to read up some French history to understand whats happening in France today, newspapers and TV only gives you the barest of information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_colonial_empire Both England and France are suffering from failed empires.
  12. Phil we are currently having a royal commission into child sexual abuse here in Aus, and its a bloody ripper. Imagine all your favourite christian organizations turning a blind eye child molesters? check this geyser out Phil, this principal of a grammar school didn't think his teachers fiddling with kids was a crime, it's a little slice of England down under. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/child-abuse-royal-commission-headmaster-didnt-think-fondling-was-criminal-act-20151112-gkxb1c.html
  13. good news phil, he's being sent back to england http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/nov/12/british-citizen-in-australia-for-50-of-51-years-faces-deportation-for-scrub-fire
  14. you couldn't pay me to live in england phil, once cameron cuts the UK from the EU its back to being america's bitch again
  15. England is up the shitter Phil.
  16. pushing up the price of real estate keeps our banks profitable, falling RE prices nearly killed the US economy. gotta love the ponzi economy
  17. props us the real estate industry
  18. yeah no way, we need those people to bring their money into the country, think about it 200,000 ppl bringing an average of $100k in assets per person is $20B inflow of cash. every year
  19. for sure, the english love a bit of the old nudge nudge, wink wink
  20. this is a clip about a funny name not a sign
  21. you would be amazed how many ppl's lives revolve around a weekly trip to the mall, the numbers are huge.
  22. and that's why the Laboral party loves free trade deals, cheap imported goods takes the pressure of the gov to fix housing affordability
  23. you old guys don't get it, stopping all the cheap cars and electronics coming in from overseas would make living in Australia unbearable, we would be stuck living a 1950s lifestyle. Imagine no internet, all the wonder drugs, no foreign travel. stuck buying obsolete copies of austins. What you guys want is north korea but run by john howard
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