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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. real eastate is also a great way to lauder money. I was under the impression if you get caught bribing an official of the PRC they can seize your assetts pretty swiftly.
  2. 2 minutes on google and to work out that is clearly not true. our wages are high because we work long hours
  3. sell the idea to your grand kids that after being forced to do 12 years of schooling that they should be forever living below the poverty line.
  4. We have a lot of low paid workers in Australia, mostly backpackers and foreign students working in agriculture. We have on average 8 unemployed people for every vacant position, if the government subsidized employers to take on those unskilled workers we would all be paying 3 times the amount of tax we are paying now. Who really wants that? The problem is there isn't that much demand for unskilled labor anymore. People would rather buy a new 4x4 made in Thailand than fix their 15 year old Landcruiser. That's how the free market works.
  5. Its like you old guys are incapable of accepting change some times.
  6. Mick, can I explain to you how economics work. Hyundai and Kia produce millions of cars in Korea, their cost of production is very very low and pay their workers better than holden. Holden produces cars in batches of 10,000s, their unit cost is high because they cannot spread their fixed costs over millions of units like everyone else. GM chose to shut down Holden because the Commodore is a dead end product and the global market cars are much cheaper to produce. The Ford Focus is now built in Thailand and the change from the EU sourced ones to the Thai ones saved ford about $2500 per unit which ford passed on $2000 price drop. Your kids could build Focus's in Austalia but Ford would have to pay them about US$1200 a month to be competitive with Thailand. Could your kids live on that wage?
  7. how are the unions doing that mick? back to the subs: any country can declare war on Australia and announce a naval blockade with the intention to sink any ship that breaches it. No insurance company will cover the sinking of ship in a warzone, so without firing a single shot Australia is effectively held economic captive. The old WW2 style of mass global warfare just won't happen again.
  8. Australia holds 2 weeks of oil, how long can we hold out from a sea blockade? The Americans won't let us have nukes, if we get over run by Indonesians, they will have nukes.
  9. The ADF is the biggest collective bargainer in Australia, when you served did you not feel like you where being paid to look busy, overlook incompetence and embrace nepotism?
  10. union leaders are angels compared to the religious folk. If you will excuse the analogy
  11. you don't know that Geoff, the hardest part about being above average is the other 80% of the population who feel the same
  12. how many times have they saved you from the sack and you not known it?
  13. this is why you should start Mick's helo and aircraft repair, think of that shiny new 582 you could have in your shed right now!
  14. The basic test for a valid EBA is that you can be no worse off than under the award. those awards come from unions.
  15. there is nothing stopping you walking out the door mick, just no one is willing to pay what you think you are worth.
  16. hang on, isn't your job is protected by a union award?
  17. the yanks have already developed a flying torpedo, air to sea or sea to air. A slow moving target like a non-nuclear sub would be an easy target. I was reading a book on cold war submarine technology, in the 1950s the yanks covered the north sea and parts of the Atlantic in acoustic listening devices to track Russian submarines leaving the Baltic sea. Submarine warfare is very expensive as its measure versus counter measure with only the US, Russia and the yanks able to justify the spend. These Adelaide built submarines aren't really effective counter measure against anything. If you want to read a good book on fighting a submarine war, Iron Coffins by Herbert Werner will have you on the edge of your seat. Another one worth reading is The Japanese Submarine Force and WW2 by Carl Boyd, it details how badly the Japanese managed their submarine force.
  18. is this one of phil perry's relatives? pretty funny guy if you ask me
  19. check out this spam/scam targeting apple users [ATTACH]47741._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  20. apple users are known soft targets
  21. more detail needed
  22. I throw away nearly all my PC stuff because its so old no one wants it. my current desk laptop is a 2009 model
  24. once you got them suckers on the hook, just real them in. an i5 laptop running windows is about $800, so you did well but not as well as apple did.
  25. yeah i just hit the old reinstall old operating system from within windows 10: painless
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