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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. What about reenactments of the crucifixion every Easter? Covering up pedophilic staff? Sounds like we need a Royal Commission into the churches
  2. there is no socialist press, you're fighting a war against an invisible enemy
  3. good research, remember that no capitalist newspaper is ever going to promote communism honestly. Given that North Korea is such a tiny country, its amazing triumph of communism that they can build a nuclear weapon after being thoroughly destroyed in 1953.
  4. sharia banks don't charge you interest they rent you the money.
  5. 1/6th of the world's population living under FULL communism now and its creating as much wealth as the other 5/6ths combined. It shows now sign of collapsing unlike America. Did you know the median american individual wealth is less than the median korean individual wealth?
  6. if Pauline is the best our country has to offer, we are doomed to being Asia's white trash
  7. Phil, you'll never have equality under capitalism or the monarchy Phil. You'll always have to pay your dues to God's representatives on earth. that being said, PAT DOESN'T STRIKE ME AS THE SORT OF BLOKE THAT DOES A LOT FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WOMEN
  8. Phil, not being in the colonies you have missed on the best explanations about what sharia law is like and share with your friends CJ Werleman on Twitter
  9. capitalism doesn't work without growth, look at all the problems aviation industry has due to the declining numbers of pilots
  10. can Pauline actually name a single sharia bank operating in Australia? She voted to get rid of Rod Culleton her WA senator because he wanted a royal commission into banking If you want to see what a waste of space Pauline is watch senate estimates, if she ever turns up you can see how out of her depth she is.
  11. I don't want to harp on about what a bunch of idiots PHON are but this is as good issue to highlight how incompetent they are GST law right? pretty basic stuff. Register your organisation, get an ABN, register for the GST, and start submitting your quarterly BAS statements. So you join PHON and pay GST on your membership but where does the GST go? surely they know the legal basics
  12. stick to your knitting neil
  13. no that's Ashby who owns the Jab, he's also acting as a commercial pilot by flying her around, he is as much a part of the LNP party system as she is. Since she has become a senator PHON hasn't offered any legislation at all.
  14. how is Hanson going to do anything? she can barely read. The idea that she can write complex legislation without help is laughable
  15. Immigration in Australia is driven by the need to maintain demand and prices for property, the property developers will pay off Hanson the same way they paid off Labor and the Libs. If you believe Hanson is an honest player you really deserve her.
  16. look what happened after the fight against SSM was lost, the bigots targeted transgender people going to the toilets
  17. US politics is full of ex-business people, it costs at least a million to run a senate or congress campaign
  18. Trumbull really fixed the NBN
  19. Bigots can see being homophobic is becoming unacceptable so they are shifting focus to Islamophobia
  20. Like Malcolm Turnbull or Clive Palmer?
  21. that's a weird comment yenn, I don't think empathy is something that you can indoctrinate people into.
  22. Once PHON gets into power and needs money to run the big polluters will arrive with their cheque books and voilà they will look and sound like the national party. lets face it, the country ppl deserve to be sold out for being so gullible
  23. James Ashby is the brains behind PHON's comeback, he is the best definition of political hack.
  24. because the bible says blessed are the bigots
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