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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. The protestors interviewed on the ABC looked like middle aged women
  2. The centre of Melbourne will be swamped with police on Friday and Saturday night in a huge multi-agency operation to target everything from antisocial behaviour to outstanding warrants. Booze buses, drug detector dogs and number-plate recognition cars will be deployed across the CBD in Operation Fortitude, police said. Officers from the transport police, the Australian border force and the sherriff’s office will take part, giving “particular focus on people travelling to, from and around the CBD”, a statement said. The ABF regional commander for Victoria and Tasmania, Don Smith, is proud the force will be taking part. “While the ABF regularly conducts a range of compliance fieldwork, this is the first time we’ve been involved in an inter-agency operation of this nature and we’re very proud be able to support each of our organisations to achieve our common mission of promoting a secure and cohesive society here in Melbourne.” He added: “ABF officers will be positioned at various locations around the CBD speaking with any individual we cross paths with. “You need to be aware of the conditions of your visa; if you commit visa fraud you should know it’s only a matter of time before you’re caught out.” More details are expected to be released at a media conference at 2pm on Friday. http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/aug/28/border-force-police-join-stop-and-search-crackdown-in-melbourne-cbd
  3. I used my win10 netbook for the first time in a week, painfully slow to startup. win7 reinstall on the horizon
  4. sounds good until the server craps itself and then the whole company goes home early
  5. go for firefox its so much better than internet explorer, install adblock plus you'll never look back
  6. penalties come from the nbn, the feds and states have ultimate power over local government. Most local councils would be all over the NBN build, it gives them another infrastructure to manage
  7. NBN wouldn't have too many issues making the councils deliver on budget.
  8. no votes in footpaths when your voters all own cars, they want the potholes fixed . Giving the NBN build to the local gov would have made it harder politically, if not impossible, for the LNP to wreck. Like most Labor plans its driven by the need to employ union labour.
  9. the libs are always coming up with another way to improve our society http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-20/spend-more-on-child-health-not-elderly-says-john-elferink/6710774
  10. the NBN should have been built by the local councils, 90% of it is going down their footpaths
  11. I used to do IT work for a private training firm in the early 2000s, it was amazing how little training they ended up delivering. trainers would arrive unannounced and have lunch with the kids and that was considered adequate. the whole private sector take over of trades training was a giant scam.
  12. you guys missed the liberal democrats recent success, they picked up thousand of votes in NSW because people 1./ donkey voted and 2./ didn't read the senate paper properly.
  13. The only reason the LNP hates renewables is that it will create a lot of unionized jobs. Especially the wind industry.
  14. renewables will end up replacing our automotive industry http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-10/heliostat-eyes-indian-solar-projects-global-wind-power-sa-jobs/6685400
  15. google play is miles ahead of itunes
  16. This reads like the 2 engineers picked up work with a nuclear company and are now justifying the change. Its interesting that only 2 of the hundreds of RE>C engineers are saying this. Google drop projects fairly quickly, the RE>C was just one of a dozen projects they drop every year. Sour grapes + new employers = nuclear evangelists.
  17. More rubbish, sales dropped after the packs where introduced
  18. have a laugh at the size of the olympic dam (uranium mining) disaster 4 years just to get to the uranium
  19. Didn't you once say “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
  20. If you lack intellectual curiosity, after a while you bore everyone.
  21. If Abbott makes it too September 18 he gets a pension bonus for 2 yrs as PM. Canning byelection is Sept 19
  22. Howard was able to appeal to the anti-intelletuals with fear of change and elitism.
  23. the LNP seems lost now, after Abbott who can bring the LNP to embrace any sensible policy. The RWNJs seem to have control
  24. What I find funny about the coalition supporters during the recent "choppergate" scandal Julie Bishop, said almost nothing, did nothing wrong but her support as alternative LNP leader collapsed. Then I remember how many people voted for the Liberal Democrats in 2013
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