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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. The libs certainly supported the aviation sector. Can't beat gov charter for improving your margins. My local MP spent $42K on a single return flight.
  2. because we HAVE to buy the nuclear technology from the yanks.
  3. but nuclear power generation isn't a viable option, it requires the state to take on all the liability and the private sector to take all the profits. At least renewables offers a balance to the community, higher costs lead to employment which at least generates some income tax. With nuclear, the wealth is all filtered out to the US, tax free. And the taxpayer picks up the tab for waste storage and cleanup
  4. Abbott's made a right mess of it, hasn't he?
  5. When it comes to the state taking on the liability for private enterpirse going wrong, yeah its all about the bottom line. Substitute the phrase "nuclear power" for "asbestos products". As a society managed to make progress without asbestos goods, it was unthinkable in the 1950s but there you go.
  6. There are 2 seperate issues here, they both leave our society open to a massive financial risk if something goes wrong
  7. What if we haven't seen the worst of the nuclear problems yet? Who would have predicted Fukushima? The greens? but they think nuclear is a bad option because the technology is bad
  8. Nuclear technology is bad, we already know that, that's why no one will insure against a nuclear accident. Fukushima sent the Japanese economy into a recession
  9. assuming power network gets sold off and nuclear is a big money spinner for them, who picks up the tab when it gets blown by extremists? I love the idea of nuclear and big corporations running our lives but only if they pay our way. Ergon are expecting the house battery to get really big by 2020
  10. Can you insure a nuclear power plant?
  11. the LNP are in the wilderness now, everyone can see that abbott is the modern day Pyrrhus
  12. Its hard getting used to the idea of Abbott being a one term government but I am getting used to the idea
  13. its criminal teck, really criminal
  14. as if abbott was ever going to pay down the debt after howard sold the cream
  15. 2 days of snow in QLD is consistent with the poles melting ignore the fact that the winter was shorter than usual. remember to pick and choose the facts and ignore those inconvenient truths
  16. but what if it only stopped warming for 2 years GNu?
  17. poor old teckair, nothing makes him angrier than a rich leftie
  18. This is what it all comes down to doesn't it, global warming is something designed by the rich lefties to keep you poor
  19. i had to reinstall the AMD CPU and video driver to complete my install
  20. install with a local account without a password and it logs into the desktop with intervention. but if your laptop gets stolen, that's a bad idea
  21. I don't think tidal and wave technology can compete against wind. Its got great potential but the wind technology has evolved fairly quickly due to the large number of aerospace companies.
  22. I was trying win10 out on my travel laptop prior to upgrading my main work laptop. the problem i have with win10 that is a leftover from win8 is the splitting of setting between the control panel and the new settings panel. yeah i get that for a phone you don't have as many options to manage but why drag it into the PC arena. poor design
  23. the new win10 mail program is bad, so slow and doesn't retrieve mail by default
  24. things i've noticed about win10, the performance is worse, decoding video is really sluggish, every website seems to lose the first 15 seconds of video, the mail client isn't really great. Edge doesn't seem like its a step forward over IE 10 Its not a step forward from 8.1
  25. That's what I mean, books are over rated
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