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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. Telstra use android to "position" people to go to apple. Apple stuff has much better margins, it really is the only thing that keeps Telstra competitive in the ICT business
  2. Apple haven't penetrated far into movies, music is their only strong market.
  3. Taking on Google worked out well for M$
  4. .. - ... .-.. .. -.- . .- -.. .-. ..- --. --- -. -.-. . -.-- --- ..- ... - .- .-. - --..-- -.-- --- ..- .- .-.. .-- .- -.-- ... -.-. --- -- . -... .- -.-. -.-
  5. .. .----. -- - .-. -.-- .. -. --. .- ... -... . ... - .- ... .. -.-. .- -. -... ..- - - .... .. ... -- --- .-. ... . .. ... .- .-.. --- - .... .- .-. -.. . .-. - .... .- -. .. - .-.. --- --- -.- ...
  6. Android is very open compared to M$ or apple
  7. Phil's on the juice again, damn you Barossa mafia and your $3 clean skins. Laptimes are in the 130mph range which is ridiculously fast for a goat track
  8. UK road racing is fairly dangerous, part of it's appeal.
  9. ..-. .- .. .-. ... .... .- -.- . --- ..-. ... .- ..- -.-. . -... --- - - .-.. . -- .. -.-. -.- --..-- .. .... .- ...- . -. --- ... . -.-. .-. . - ...
  10. .... . .----. ... .... .- ...- .. -. --. .- .-.. .- ..-. ..-.
  11. but for the 100's of millions of users on the planet, windows works acceptably every day. Apple after 40 years is still only 6% of the market.
  12. Apple have always targeted illiterate users, its why they are so successful. Microsoft from the start was part of IBM's big computing platform.
  13. FreeBSD, Linux, and Mac OS are all derived from Unix. Windows is suffering from too much success, they have to make it work for over half a billion users, across a mass of different applications. Apple only has to deal with a small group of technical illiterate computer users, with a small handful of applications.
  14. the more expensive versions of windows came with a virtual PC running XP as an option
  15. Phil macs run on a Mach kernel (taken from Steve Jobs old company Next's old O/S) and a Freebsd base operating system. Android is written on a Linux port called busybee
  16. windows 10 has dropped the media centre, which is one of the main functions of my PC. Windows is falling behind newer operating systems, In contrast to reinstalling a new O/S on my nexus tablet, I download a single file and write that to the tablet, after I boot and login, google backup reinstalls all my apps and reinstalls all of my settings. Total turn around about 6 hours. Windows 7 reinstall takes 2 days, I have to manually add the appdata folder to my backup to store my settings, you boot up and windows update adds 6 fixes, reboot and windows update then wants to install 207 fix and you have to manually install every bit of software. Android is the future
  17. Pearo, my mum has the asus zenbook and whenever I hand her my $300 netbook I use for photos, she swipes the screen, every single time.
  18. sue, you can install virtualbox, which creates a virtual PC running an older versions of windows on your PC. The general rule of thumb with windows is don't upgrade to the new version until they release a service pack.
  19. Stoney, if it where that simple, you wouldn't have a feral dog problem.
  20. the rare "watermelon Fox": green on the outside, red on the inside.
  21. I can deal with Foxes, just not "the greens".
  22. I had an interesting discussion about feral dogs with a farmer a few weeks ago, I got the impression that the farming community still don't seem to understand where the dogs are coming from.
  23. This is a fascinating insight into your thinking OME. Have "the greens" been troubling you at night?
  24. its mathes, mathe or mathematics only Americans use math
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