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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. the big picture much more complex than mathes, right bexxy?
  2. stay in china bex, australia has gone too soft for you
  3. All the drug addicts I have met over the years have drunk through the week and hit the hard stuff on the weekends. Your average wage slave can't afford to do the hard stuff every day.
  4. you can google if you like, I'm not stopping you. there are so many studies linking alcohol abuse in teenagers with development issues its hard to pick one that encompasses all the problems. On the gold coast, steroid and fake tan users out number junkies at the needle exchange.
  5. I've never met anyone who hasn't sighted early access to alcohol as part of their drug problem. having unsupervised access to alcohol when you are 13 is pretty common these days. I live next to a school and I have seen empty beer cans in the student carpark.
  6. Coca Cola was once the polite way to take cocaine, if your dentist didn't have any. Morphine was supposed to cure opium addiction and heroine was supposed to cure morphine addiction.
  7. Indo restored its national pride with these executions, the display of force was designed to remind the indo people that Indo won't back down to Australian political pressure.
  8. becs, alcohol is the gateway drug of every addict
  9. alcoholism is a serius illness daz
  10. all thought to be fair, the amount of damage alcohol does is far worse than all the other recreational drugs combined. Locking up Alan Bond didn't deter the booze pushers
  11. I don't think they expected to get rich but they haven't got any skills or interests apart from getting high, your options are limited. The good news is big pharma is filling the demand for opiates with a range of drugs. Fentanyl and propofol are killing plenty of junkies these days
  12. organising groups of smugglers is a bit more serious than finding your next hit.
  13. the money has to go through the hands of the political class first, very little if any would ever reach the poor
  14. death sentences don't discourage crime though. the US has the death penalty in many states and they still manage to shoot 50,000 ppl a year
  15. Australia is the world's most expensive market for cocaine. Oxycotin has replaced heroin as the junkie's drug of choice.
  16. GNu like broken clock
  17. more like Americans proving that they are the most prolific idiots in the world.
  18. wait until that coal seam layer has liquefied and the subsidence really starts kicking in. then you'll see some serious pollution as well as massive draining of the aquifers. The gas companies are going to continue blaming the workers, they can pollute all they like and claim it was an accident, its like pilot error. Its a cheap way to avoid dealing with bad technology.
  19. Blaming workers (like dazza) for being sloppy and not following procedures correctly is one way to mask the processes are flawed and will always pollute the groundwater. Anyone one with half a brain can see that CSG poisons groundwater.
  20. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-16/nrn-water-csg-worry/5817922 The report was the result of a survey of 1,100 water professionals - scientists, water operators and regulators. Launching the report, the Australian Water Association says despite years of reassurances from the gas exploration industry that the technology was in place to safeguard groundwater and water resources from CSG, more work is needed to prevent human error. "Seventy per cent of the respondents thinks that coal seam gas has a significant to moderate effect on the overall management of ground or surface water," said Jonathan McKeown, chief executive of the AWA. "The profession is saying whilst there is a capacity to manage the coal seam gas production, there are real concerns where coal seam gas exploration or development is close to water that can be contaminated. "Even though a lot of the risks there are what can be described as human errors, rather than process errors, there was still a high level of concern about the potential impact on the quality of water," Mr McKeown said. Human error = Dazza
  21. http://theconversation.com/coal-seam-gas-water-leaks-could-be-a-problem-for-decades-24718 The type of water that resulted in contamination in this case (called “produced” or “co-produced” water) is generated in large quantities by all CSG wells, and it is usually of poor quality, containing potentially harmful levels of salt, radionuclides, metals and other contaminants. It appears that in this case such water was inappropriately stored in a leaky dam, allowing it to infiltrate and migrate into the underlying aquifer. A 2011 study in the Queensland Murray-Darling basin projected that the amounts of additional salt brought to the surface by CSG wastewater were of similar quantity to all combined salts added from conventional groundwater irrigation and natural sources. If all this salt was allowed into waterways, it would effectively double the amount of salt entering the landscape. Managing produced water and the salts and contaminants dissolved in it is therefore major issue for the CSG industry. It can be treated and reused for irrigation or industry, re-injected underground, or released into waterways following treatment. Treating CSG wastewater usually involves reverse osmosis, which produces “clean” water, but also concentrates contaminants in brine, which requires safe disposal. Some contaminants (such as boron) are hard to remove and are retained in the treated product water. In some cases methane can also remain in water after it leaves the treatment plant, adding to concerns over fugitive emissions.
  22. If you go to the bores around the CSG gas fields you will find the water is full of hydrocarbons from escaped CSG and the traces of the fracking fluid used to dissolve the coal, all of its ingredients are poisonous. Dazza the fire at Hopeland is proof that the gas can escape the coal seam and pass through the aquifer and that the CSG wells are allowing air to enter the coal seams. Farmers are advised not to dig below 2M due to the high levels of carbon monoxide.
  23. Gazz m8 linc said the Chinchilla fire has nothing to do with their plant, so it must be you that is spreading misinformation.
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