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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. @jetjr so why can't farmers find buyers for their properties? You should move to chinchilla, they have over 200 vacant rentals in a town of 5,500
  2. for nuclear advocates, please send your donations to ERA to save Jabiru http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/apr/14/concerns-raised-about-uranium-mine-being-able-to-afford-clean-up-in-kakadu?CMP=share_btn_tw
  3. @jetjr would you buy a farm in an arrid area covered in CSG wells?
  4. Everyone west of the great divide vote LNP. The LNP don't believe in handouts, the ALP won't lose any votes stripping funding from the bush. The bush is getting the gov they deserve. I can see from the ALP perspective that trashing the bush is politically a victimless crime but that country will be ruined in 50 years. I was out at Miles a few weeks ago and the young farmer I had a chat with was getting out of that area because he can see how hard farming that country will get. He mentioned there where 50 farms for sale between Chinchilla and Roma.
  5. @jetjr lots of farmers don't really care about the long term implications of CSG, its quick money in a drought. Sadly, many farmers support CSG because they hate green groups. If you could explain the chinchilla gas fire that would be good.
  6. CSG is pulling gas from coal seams at much closer than 800M. The problem with CSG is you can't control where the gas and fracking fluid goes once its released, if you have drilled through an aquifer to get to that gas you can't stop that pollution leaking into the aquifer. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-03-17/linc-energy-accuse-failing-report-series-of-dangerous-leaks/6323850 then there is the chinchilla leak http://www.couriermail.com.au/business/activist-blames-underground-coal-fire-for-soil-gas/story-fnihsps3-1227244591051 the gov wants the farmers to think this sort of stuff is normal
  7. Bex you will find the "global warming is a myth" is pretty much split by age, you have the older less educated, and those with vested interests believing half truths and younger better educated reading the science.
  8. Gazza all the gas you produce is going overseas.
  9. Bex there have been scammers out there that target the elderly with snake oil since Jesus was a boy.
  10. Dazza m8 you'r poisoning the groundwater. Its not rocket science. Once you start dissolving that coal you have no control where it goes
  11. Bex ignorance is the tool of the politician not the scientist
  12. Bex, you can still legally marry your cousin in 37 of the United States of America, cause apparently the science still isn't in.
  13. Not really, gas is showing up leaking out of the ground after fracking negating any carbon saving. Methane is a much worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
  14. Look I believe DAzza because if you can't trust an employee of a big petro company who can you trust?
  15. its a bit of a joke really, a 6 digit number is a weak authenticator does the url have a hash check on the end?
  16. take the hdd's out of the NAS and put them into USB caddies
  17. I'm just telling you, you are breaking the law. If you chose to keep breaking the law that's your issue not mine. Its not illegal to own a "bong" just illegal to use it to smoke "pot". Don't do the crime, if you don't want to do the time. Think of the children.
  18. Its always been illegal to record TV in Australia.
  19. asking for help with you warez setup on an avation forum was always a long shot
  20. welcome to the online aviation community, have you tried the bitorrent forums, or your manufacturer's support channel, or google?
  21. typical hard drive is only using 5watts of power when running less when idle
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