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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. this is why coles and woolies are pushing so hard with generics, margins on many cleaning products is over 50%, I would love to know how much colgate is making on toothpaste and brushes
  2. consumers love the idea of something new. if it didn't work companies wouldn't spend the money on promoting the idea.
  3. imagine Bob Katter running the LNP, how good would that be?
  4. Asbestos Julie? Keith its time to switch to voting for KAP
  5. at the moment a lot of fresh starts
  6. the ACT seems to qualify for a lot of Federal grants. QLD will have to live with its debt, its not the end of the world, just the end of a tax holiday.
  7. this will cheer you up mate
  8. All true, don't get Daz started on the bikie gangs. Maybe Newman can work some magic in the basket case of NSW?
  9. if Katter is the answer, what is the question?
  10. LNP and KAP in power would be your worse hill billy nightmare
  11. geoff, ferny grove wont go to a by election, no legal precedent for it
  12. we are slowly progressing to an ALP government, tomorrow...
  13. Keith, its too late now old mate, you voted for the ALP and they are in power for at least 3 years more likely 9 if Springborg is the new leader of the LNP. I thought an intelligent bloke like yourself would have known what he was voting for. Consider this though, the assets had been sold the new owners would have jacked up the prices of electricity, port services etc. either way its money out of your pocket no matter where that money goes.
  14. I suspect Keith you will be paying more taxes in the not too distant future. It's not the end of the world.
  15. Newman has resigned, Queensland back on track
  16. So we aren't too sure what going on in QLD at the moment, Lawrence thinks he's the Premier but Bob Katter hasn't chosen the front bench yet and we don't know where his boy Robbie wants to go. Labor going to Governor General to put the LNP out of their misery tomorrow
  17. Doesn't make any sense because when the richest guy leaves everyone move up the scale. Technically, its a good model for income distribution works to benefit the poor.
  18. I doubt that Springborg will be able to rally the troops, even if there where a few by-elections in the next 3 years, the LNP needs Katter to rule and Katter has no policy.
  19. The people of Queensland have voted for a better way
  20. new premier
  21. right wing nut jobs always going on about welfare fraud but its < $120M a year. compared to the size of the budget and the cost of investigations hardly burning the whole in the budget. Its no wonder LNP governments are collapsing, keeping the nut jobs happy is impossible.
  22. who do i have to kill? a neighbour or a relative, either is possible
  23. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/6310.0 600,000 on less than $200 a week
  24. Average is different to median, median is more accurate because income distribution is so uneven.
  25. The median wage is about $45K, the sort of money you are on most Australians never see.
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