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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. Daz, the airforce is like work for the dole. If we get into a war, the yanks will have us there just as cannon fodder
  2. Who's actually advocating that though? Labor right
  3. two days in perth is a long time
  4. like hardly anyone in Australia tries to improve their lot eh?
  5. The nationals are desperate, really desperate
  6. So its Springborg and John Paul Langbroek They didn't elect a Premier, they elected an Opposition Leader.
  7. You guys know how easy the system is to defraud, now if you guys could pull some strings and get my mum a disability parking permit that would be awesome. She can barely walk these days but the government won't give her one.
  8. Christ what an idiot
  9. The feeling on the street is that Newman could turn Indi around, go from being a basket case to a shining example of the Cando way. Get on the bus or get left behind.
  10. There are always going to be votes appealing to the antiwelfare mob sadly. It reflects badly on us as nation when gov's cave into them
  11. Tariffs are generally avoided due to trade agreements, its all done via currency manipulation these days.
  12. 1 hour to go before we find out who leads the LNP in opposition, who would have that was happening after Newman's big win 3 years ago?
  13. American cities where horrible, large areas of abandoned and semi demolished housing because working people are forced move out due to being burgled while at work. Move to America Daz and see how it works out. I don't understand why you are obsessed with the unemployed Daz. In Australia they represent 750,000 out of 23,000,00
  14. How good is this? Ship your rubbish to Victoria
  15. A champion team or a team of champions? 11am tomorrow for the big showdown
  16. Daz, many surveys have shown that viewers of Fox news always think that there are more people on the dole than there actually are. If you ever get a chance ggl "full employment" and you will see that the LNP want higher unemployment to keep wages down for big business. The only way to keep unemployment high is to crush small business.
  17. After 3 years the LNP have chosen to implode, they could have chosen a plan B option and been prepared for the election but they chose to go to the election with the "plan A or nothing" option. And they are getting punished for it, if the ALP can keep QLD on course, could be another 12 years before we see another LNP government.
  18. You can't blame Labor after the first 100 days, has Hockey blown the budget to pieces?
  19. The LNP in Qld have fallen to pieces, Newman is refusing to step down and let Nicholls lead the caretaker government, which is undermining his shot at leader. They have Simpson, Emerson and Nicholls all lobbying for leader. The LNP have a plan for $8B in infrastructure and no way to fund it. Its hard to see how they can govern. Let me just say this election: a monumental disaster for the LNP by their own choosing.
  20. Twitter thought that Swanny was the real winner, the problem with Barnaby is he hasn't delivered much for the farming sector. Its hard to see how he can improve the vote of the LNP if he knifes Truss.
  21. Where has the money gone?
  22. If you don't believe welfare is a right in this country just stop paying taxes.
  23. The general aviation industry in the US is dying fast, have a poke around any airfield in Australia and you will find some ex-US aircraft shipped here in the last 5 years.
  24. I know you old codgers are down on the welfare state but consider how it effects your own behaviour. Without the welfare safety net no one would fly small aircraft for fun, the consequences without the safety net are too severe.
  25. all rights are legal rights
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