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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. [ATTACH]48283._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. so what your saying is that Radical Islamic terrorism is a potential threat but class warfare is real threat to Australian kids
  3. Overall Position - Wikipedia
  4. I'm not a racist but we are breeding a race of idiots in reqional QLD this is the number of OP1-5 per school [ATTACH]48106._xfImport[/ATTACH] versus Toowoomba [ATTACH]48107._xfImport[/ATTACH] as you can see regional QLD is a breeeding ground for ignorance This is after spending billions on education of the last 30 years
  5. I'm not a racist but...
  6. GNu Milo thinks that child rape is ok, he believes, as a libertarian, as long as the child consents Milo doesn't consider it rape, its consensual sex. there are videos of trump saying the same thing about female teachers raping teenage boys
  7. have you found a way to cure drought?
  8. not surprisingly the fake news media is not covering the daily Muslim riots in Frankfurt Phil
  9. Once all the oil money leaves the city, who's paying tax? It will all end up in Frankfurt, the Germans are going to steal the financial services the same way they stole your auto industry.
  10. Its weird Phil, Brexit will put hundreds of thousands of out work and be used as an opportunity for the elites to enhance their wealth inside the UK and the same time moving their businesses to the continent
  11. I agree but I wouldn't remove them, his comments are stupid
  12. this is what happens if people stay on the drugs, they don't just drag themselves down they drag down their friends and families and random idiots like yourself
  13. its all voluntary, addicts are a lot more willing to seek treatment if they know they aren't going to get prosecuted. decriminalizing drug use takes away a lot of the issues that criminalizing creates
  14. medication is a fraction of the cost of detention. it also means you don't need the massive police forces and the corruption they generate
  15. Portugal decriminalized drug use and have had an overall good effect on society. Less people using and a lot less crime related to drug use. Nixon started the war on drugs primarily as a means to target the anti-war and black communities.
  16. so, nothing is going to change apart from the royals and the landed gentry taking a bigger slice of the tax payers coin?
  17. good thing you are retired @Phil Perry UK will stay open to EU migrants, Brexit secretary admits We’ll take years filling key jobs, says Davis Sam Coates, Deputy Political Editor | Oliver Wright | Jerome Starkey February 22 2017, 12:01am, The Times Ministers have recognised that some sectors such as agriculture will still need to employ EU migrants for seasonal workGETTY IMAGES British workers will not be ready to fill the jobs done by European migrants for “years and years”, the Brexit secretary has admitted.
  18. the QLD labor gov just announced a new 200 cell extension to an existing prison that worked out to be $1.2M per cell. Now think about what size house you can build with $1.2M compared to the 3M x 4M concrete prison cell. There must be some huge profits and political kick backs in the prison economy.
  19. That is Fentanyl, the drug that Michael Jackson OD'd on, a prescribed medication administered under the direction of a doctor.
  20. bring back threepence and sixpence whilst you are making the UK great again Return of pounds and ounces? Britain might allow firms to use imperial measures after Brexit
  21. the GOP has built a huge gerrymander across the US, this is how Trump wins with 3M less votes than Hillary
  22. the joys of replacing experienced politicians with privateers
  23. this is wild stuff, Russian agents in the WH inner circle [ATTACH]48094._xfImport[/ATTACH]
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