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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. the reason why nuclear won't die is because adopting nuclear will put the nation's power generation under the control of one or two US companies, who through a series of careful political donations, will end up gouging the nation. competition amongst energy suppliers is paramount to low priced power.
  2. Don't believe the hype, nuclear is still nuclear. So many things can go wrong with it and it just doesn't work long term.
  3. Nakid apart from strategically placed asbestos plumes aka Mrs Fluffy?
  4. She's got PM written all over her, if only she would rescue the LNP
  5. Nuclear is no good, cost a fortune to build and run and creates pollution that can be used to make bombs. Solar and wind are the future
  6. Obama lives in Bush's shadow, he hasn't done anything to match Bush's stupidity. That being said the US is definitely in political trouble with the Republican Party now in control.
  7. twitter where else would you get some many? cop this article on greg bird http://cometherevolution.com.au/alex-mitchells-weekly-notebook-lies-deceit-behind-siege-martin-place/
  8. she could knife tony FWOAR
  9. I like this one better FWOAR
  10. time for some fwoar
  11. Geoff, good news, the LNP have outlawed climate change restrictions on building on the foreshore. Time to move north and enjoy your retirement in real comfort
  12. you would be nuts to try and develop technology like that in Australia, America venture capitalists would happily throw $100M for a patentable technology. Off shore wind turbine technology and PV solar seems to be winning the commercialization race
  13. wind power is slowly gaining critical mass, 4.8GW scheduled to be coming online in 2015 after 1.3GW this year.
  14. Dazza we all know global warming is crap, you don't need to spin that lie with us. I was just showing you how volatile the energy market is. Imagine if those where house prices, you'd worry more.
  15. I assume your company is one of these, not looking good for CSG industry if OPEC keeps trying to kill it. Very difficult to refinance loans if your company is projected to lose most of its equity in 2015, no one wants to ending holding debt in that sort of company.
  16. Absolutely, your CSG job is likely to vanish in the next few years and you will too old for any meaningful work
  17. its not $7 a visit though, its $7 for the GP, $35 for a xray, $30 for a blood test. get seriously sick and you will be financially ruined by the eroding of the public health system
  18. you guys say julie is really hot but you really want hot and dumb
  19. But but but Julie has already spent the donour's cheque
  20. Who doesn't want a nuclear power plant, lots of jobs!
  21. white jesus, no wonder the jews voted to kill him
  22. its nuclearjulie, you remember her when she was married? asbestosjulie
  23. I've noticed you can talk complete rubbish and people don't notice if you include one of these
  24. twitter joke
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