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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. Diesel in Asia is in demand as its used for power generation.
  2. Abbott is doing his best to set a new record debt.
  3. This channel has everything you ever wanted to know about startups https://www.youtube.com/user/docstocTV
  4. Aus gov unwilling to address woolies and coles duopoly? Hardly news
  5. [ATTACH]47502._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. god like features at a bargain basement price
  7. I was hoping to catch GNu with that one
  8. 3 groups of 6 missions, the answer is right in front of your face 6 6 6
  9. obvious explanation for the rewriting the bible: grammar
  10. we should broaden this thread to judge people by their actions scientist or christian
  11. just a reminder BEx
  12. or you could ask Jesus
  13. Jesus must be the Christ...
  14. Its amazing how the presence of a bacteria that by coincidence happens to be antibiotic resistant 100 years ago can only mean thing, that Jesus of Nazarus is the Christ. Is that a miracle? That bacteria have the ability to be antibiotic resistant. Or is it just evolution.
  15. that's why she sits there, makes up for the lack of women in the cabinet.
  16. Bex she is a hypocrite, is that cool or what
  17. [ATTACH]47495._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. Avocet, it might be GILF for you
  19. GNu this will blow your mind
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