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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. at least the photographer waited till you stopped sniffing her hair Personally, she reminds me why one women is one too many in an LNP cabinet. Geoff, every uni has a different economic theory they peddle. I was curious which uni Bex went too.
  2. julie "asbestos queen" bishop does nothing for me, she is neither articulate or cultured
  3. Concentration camps are designed to break people not house them There was an amnesty international report into the conditions, put aside your bias and you decide if we are taking the moral high ground. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/dec/16/broken-toilets-no-shoes-limited-water-the-daily-humiliations-of-life-on-manus
  4. Gazza we already spending $1.2B a year running those concentration camps on Nauru and Manus Island. That $50M a boat figure is semi confirmed by budget briefings
  5. Gazza don't those people die under ISIS's murderous rule if they can't find a safe haven? Dead is dead.
  6. I would like to know how much she paid the Indonesians to stop the boats? I have heard estimates of around $50M a boat.
  7. how many consumers will want to pay for that though? I reckon the android auto would be pretty sweet, jump in a friends car and login to your account and you have all your contacts, maps and music available.
  8. mobile phones are getting to the point where their is little left to improve, a bit like the PCs where in 2007
  9. coal is looking more and more like asbestos and tobacco, the 1st world rejects it, the sellers just move to marketing it in the 3rd world.
  10. The Greens hate Australia's freedoms
  11. Political That the British judiciary is heavily infiltrated with Masons, who give fellow Masons "the benefit of the doubt" in court, subverting the legal system.[13][14] That Freemasonry overlaps with, or is controlled by, the Illuminati, especially in the higher degrees; Illuminati Freemasons secretly control many major aspects of society and government and are working to establish the New World Order.[15][16][17][18][19][20] Some conspiracy theories involving the Freemasons and the Illuminati also include the Knights Templar and Jews as part of the supposed plan for universal control of society. This type of conspiracy theory was described as early as 1792 by multiple authors, beginning in France and Scotland.[1] That Freemasonry is a Jewish front for world domination, or is at least controlled by Jews for this goal. An example of this is the notorious (and fraudulent) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Adolf Hitler believed that Freemasonry was a tool of Jewish influence,[21] and outlawed Freemasonry and persecuted Freemasons partially for this reason.[22] The covenant of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas claims that Freemasonry is a "secret society" founded as part of a Zionist plot to control the world.[23] That Freemasons are behind income taxes in the US. One convicted tax protester has charged that law enforcement officials who surrounded his property in a standoff over his refusal to surrender after his conviction were part of a "Zionist, Illuminati, Free Mason movement".[24] The New Hampshire Union Leader also reported that "the Browns believe the IRS and the federal income tax are part of a deliberate plot perpetrated by Freemasons to control the American people and eventually the world."[25] That Freemasons have strong links with more selective secret and semi-secret societies such as the Bohemian Grove meeting,[26][27] the Skull and Bones society,[20] and Rhodes Scholars.[28] That far-right groups such as the Ku Klux Klan[29] and the Orange Order[30] are intimately tied to Freemasonry.
  12. Forced to move to Antartica or Siberia without committing a crime? Sounds like a green conspiracy
  13. The Greens look like they will pick up 2 seats in the Victorian election
  14. Geoff, look what these vandals have done to this hardworking farmers paddock! Don't get me started on the greens
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