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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. The greens mate, what are they doing to this country?
  2. wrong wrong wrong. your "eternal" salvation rests purely on doing god*'s work * or his earthly representative
  3. have a look @ android one and android auto ggl are coming up with some very neat mobile integration
  4. mobile phone screens are a blessing to the mobile phone industry. I have watched my niece's iphone screen slowly increase the amount of cracks. Almost done
  5. This further indicates that the temperatures are becoming more unstable and with a gradual rise. I've noticed SE QLD has definitely gotten hotter and drier since the mid 2000s. Who would want to be a farmer these days?
  6. That's bizarre, Ipswich has hit 40C in October and you still think its cooling?
  7. 666 yes it happened
  8. Another question GNu, why is heaven a one way trip?
  9. GNu, when you say we go to heaven, what part of we goes and how does it get there? Time to get there? Location of heaven? What do you do in heaven, eternity is a long time?
  10. Wooden houses are great, they have a certain character because of the floors
  11. no voices calling them to kill muslims
  12. I prefer reason to faith, faith always lets you down.
  13. I don't take GNus arguments too seriously, if I did where would that leave me?
  14. GNu everyone knows you can't cure superstition. Just get the churches to leave the kids alone and start paying taxes and you'll find a whole new world of acceptance
  15. Isn't the platypus the link between ducks and otters?
  16. GNu don't you get it? The Pope is blessed with special powers, granted by God not man, that you don't posses. Theologically, you brain is like 100 monkeys sitting in front of 100 typewriters.
  17. The Pope is infallible unlike other religious leaders his authority comes directly from JC. Only the Roman Catholic Church can claim this direct authority. Sadly, GNu sounds like just another heretic. The RC really need to crack down on this sort of thing a bit harder than they do.
  18. Could it be chemtrails over Rome?
  19. apparently many thousands of years ago we where supermen, thousands of years of circumcision finally paying off?
  20. This conspiracy, could go all the way to the top [ATTACH]47470._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. sometimes I doubt that god has a plan revsmith, so much pain and suffering in the universe If only you could get a sign from god. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7vq3AC6Ezo
  22. how good is logan, those Polynesian gods not as competent as our western jesus.
  23. paradise mate, every morning: bible studies every afternoon: prayer group every evening: full service in latin
  24. check and mate
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