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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. as an Athiest, you sometimes wish you are wrong
  2. I can't believe you have read Darwin GNu. I just can't. Perhaps you read "cherry picked" propaganda somewhere?
  3. Don sadly the bible has been rewritten many times, god is the fussiest editor
  4. everyone getting on the solar bandwagon, even the poms http://www.fastcoexist.com/3036722/this-floating-bike-path-in-the-thames-would-give-london-cyclists-a-car-free-commute
  5. I think this thread has been a learning experience for all of us. [ATTACH]47462._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. did you see that show on SBS about the gulf stream and the northern hemisphere's crap weather? very interesting
  7. What Tekair means is solar = Green/Left/Socialist conspiracy
  8. Dutch turning footpaths into solar panels http://www.solaroad.nl/en/
  9. GNu God saving Marine Todd
  10. God has sent his instrument of justice with Marine Todd
  11. Would you be disappointed or surprised if I told you GNu hasn't actually read the Bible?
  12. I find I can't read GNus posts about Jesus and the Virgin Mother and not feel a little disappointed sometimes
  13. But you have read from the holy scriptures...
  14. What if I told you there was more than one Marine Todd?
  15. God works in mysterious ways! How else can you explain Marine Todd?
  16. On this day we honour two great atheists
  17. If you see something, say something
  18. Culture war heroes like GNu and MArine Todd???
  19. Don, here is a lengthy middle class think piece to clarrify some of the issues of Marine Todd https://medium.com/matter/the-ballad-of-marine-todd-7886a0f200bd
  20. there are many truths that are self evident.
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