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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. or have you been deceived? my sources are never wrong
  2. bex the laughing buddha is never wrong
  3. Bex go with your gut, on both matters
  4. Bex never underestimate the power of prayer, I am sure Pamela has had worse than you. This whole climate science study really is only occurring with any real value since the very late 1990s when PCs became cheap enough to be able to build supercomputers from bundles of PCs. You expect a fairly fast development of theories and analysis. The guy I know who works on it in toowoomba build low end server farms from generic PCs the blue and orange in the graph
  5. Bill its ok, the basic battle here is between society, as a whole, working through government scientific organisations and big carbon producing merchants rallying the idiots by encouraging idiot arguments. You can stand proudly with the idiots and say "I told you so, I TOLD YOU SO, good day Sir", every time you see some flaw in the modelling. The modelling can be fixed but the problem remains, science can adapt. Idiot arguments remain idiot arguments.
  6. When did we start modelling the climate?
  7. you tell em bex! Could it be that in the 7000 years since god created the universe we haven't done a great deal of climate science? Think about all those aeronautical engineers 100 years ago begging for research funding to make planes fly better, sadly they are still needing money for research. or the easy answer, the answer every idiot can understand... [ATTACH]47458._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. He said a saving in the vicinity of 17 per cent sounded significant, but only translated into four years' worth of total CO2 emissions.
  9. proof there is a god
  10. One time Marine Todd was coming out of Home Depot where he was buying wood in order to build a World Trade Center (Never Forget!) scale replica memorial tree house for his nephew. As Todd was loading lumber into his Ford truck, which was made in ‘Merica by ‘Mericans, he noticed that President Barack Hussein Bin Laden was having a signing for his new book “Why I Hate My Country” at the local mosque/pride center across the street. Todd became flooded with anger and knew he had to do something, but wasn’t sure what course of action would create the most possible freedoms when out of nowhere a Majestic Bald Eagle swooped down and landed on Todd’s truck. Suddenly Todd knew what had to be done. He then proceeded to take a knee and give glory unto God, Jesus, and both President Bush Sr. & Jr. Todd got in his truck full of lumber and drove over to the mosque/pride center and proceeded to board up all of the doors and windows using the materials he had purchased at Home Depot. Once Todd had insured that none of the heathens (including President Barack Hussein Bin Laden) could get out, he then went back to his truck and took out several rockets he had kept as souvenirs from his countless tours of duty in Iraquistan, which he securely fastened to the perimeter of the building. Todd then ignited the rockets, but not before whispering “Not on my watch”. The mosque/pride center then launched into the stratosphere disappearing from sight. Finally, Todd, after receiving a high five from the Eagle, took the ‘Merican flag that was attached to his truck and planted it on the piece of land that had once been an incubator for terrorist abortions, single handedly reclaiming it for God & Country.
  11. coming to your Inbox today FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: OBAMA HAS EBOLA!?
  12. Al Gore isn't a scientist, he wasn't even a politician when he released his movie. My point Bex, is that your idea that you are bravely speaking out against the politically corrupt science and have a mass of people behind you is fallacious. You have to be careful, socialist doctors will poison you if you get sick to shut you up. Look at the tinfoil army you follow along behind, thruthers, birthers, deniers, vaccers etc your common currency is half truths.
  13. Climate change wont kill you but chem trails definitely will
  14. If you don't ask who my sources are, Ill tell you no lies
  15. The vast majority of people accept the science, the fringe are always going to attract those that lack the mental capacity to not realise the difference between facts and propaganda. Deniers also know the truth about fluoride, vaccination and chem trails. You know the old saying about how you can lead a horse to water.
  16. Where is the evidence of the politicisation of global warming science though? You deniers talk about it like its real but you can't produce any evidence of bias. This is the problem with the deniers, they back their argument on the politicisation of the science by pointing out that the media is biased, which it is. It's like you can't accept the science is in.
  17. One of the interesting ways the climate deniers argue their case is by quoting news articles which misrepresent or distort the science. Rarely if ever will a denier ever try to argue against a scientific journal, that would be intellectual suicide so they keep quoting articles from journalists who have no real understanding of the science apart from its rigorous and tedious discussion of facts.
  18. apparently marine todd likes this image without realizing its significance [ATTACH]47457._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. atheists knowledge: they always get beaten by the god botherers
  20. Its your favourite joke GNu
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