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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. GNu you haven't found marine todd yet? salvation is at hand
  2. Who says god botherers aren't funny? Everyone.
  3. the only "terrorist" that truly threatens the government
  4. I believe they are guarding the secrets of the green conspiracy.
  5. If only the LNP had told the ALP when the drought was going to break, those desal plants would never have been built. Its a shame the LNP puts politics ahead of the national or state interest. And now, large parts of QLD are still in drought and the LNP refuses to advise when the drought will end.
  6. You don't donate to the ALP and LNP without expecting something back in return, that's not the concept behind "open for business".
  7. If only the LNP had told the ALP when the drought was going to break those desal plants would never gone ahead. Another sad case of the LNP putting politics ahead of the national interest
  8. GNu's facts aren't what they used to be.
  9. That's progress for you
  10. I remember seeing a news item a while back about an Australian company that had perfected a cheap way to produce graphite. Meanwhile in California http://reneweconomy.com.au/2014/google-invests-145m-to-turn-oil-field-into-solar-plant-35455
  11. are these the guys who worked out a cheap way to purify graphite?
  12. some hard numbers on the CSG business, going to be an environmental disaster once that gas leaks through the aquifers. Once upon a time CSG was seen as a cleaner energy source but the current thinking is once the gas starts leaking into the atmosphere any CO2 emission saving over burning coal will be lost. http://www.abc.net.au/news/specials/coal-seam-gas-by-the-numbers/
  13. In the US bex the average life of a CSG gas well is only 7.5 yrs after which time the value of the gas falls below the value to collect it. The production declines rapidly after the first 3 years. Think of CSG like a mentos in a bottle of diet coke, what seems like an abundant energy source fades pretty quickly
  14. I don't know how accurate this is but it makes for some interesting reading http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Large numbers of American workers earn below the minimum wage so they exist on gov. supplied food stamps. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour so many Americans don't qualify as tax payers!
  15. yeah nah, America imports its "innovators" from Europe, Asia and Australia. $17Trillion in debt doesn't happen by mistake.
  16. well now that we have gotten rid of the carbon and mining taxes we have increased that subsidy. we are winning it just doesn't feel like it.
  17. There is a talking donkey in the bible. Check and mate!
  18. Clive is doing a great job, we wouldn't be at war if he wasn't.
  19. 80knots you just need to ggl "petition project criticism" and you can easily find enough information to make your own evaluation of the validity of that petition. this is an ok article which is easy to read http://www.skeptic.com/eskeptic/08-11-12/ As a proponent of the invisible hand of the free market you must accept that Al Gore's book however inaccurate was a best seller so there for global warming must exist.
  20. I keep telling the my Fairfax journos commie mates that the ICAC is a once in a generation news story, until Clive's "get square" on the LNP starts.
  21. Geoff, the facts are the facts, you still need some to have a theory, if you don't have facts then you have religion. When I was at uni one of the things I studied was how cults recruit people, sadly the more absurd the theory, once you have accepted it as fact, the harder it is to stop believing.
  22. I am still waiting for the evidence of collusion within the scientific community. Unlike the faking of the moon landings:roflmao: or the Russian sub that kidnapped Holt , there are 10,000s of scientists that need to fabricate thousands of years of research to make the global warming conspiracy work. Check and mate!
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