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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. Geoff, as you know, Lord Monckton has been coming to Australia for while now as the "tin foil tour" as is a good paying gig [rumour is he is asking $400k a tour now], have you ever wonder why previously you have ignored his psuedo science but this time you listened to him in a whole new way? Its the power of the pyramid! Or it could just be you are in a vulnerable state and susceptible to messages. Perhaps you are in a vulnerable state because you heard on talk back that our next PM most likely will be Prime Minister Tanya Joan Plibersek here is a picture of the polar ice growing, proof enough that you must be onto something
  2. Geoff, remember you are dealing with dark forces who will do anything to keep you from discovering their plans for world domination. If you love your family please be careful about what you say.
  3. The facts are the facts. Citing Lord Monckton as source always boxes you into the certain category of intellect who know the truth and understand the conspiracy. I am always generous, I just say he's old, he can't help it. The facts are the facts, you just need better ones.
  4. No one asked Monckton to call himself a Lord.
  5. The UN has deleted any record of "Christopher Monckton" ever graduating from a university, make of that, what you will. Thank god for wikipedia eh?
  6. Geoff this conspiracy goes all the way to the UN http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/jul/18/climate-monckton-member-house-lords http://www.parliament.uk/business/news/2011/july/letter-to-viscount-monckton/
  7. I did mention that Monkton is neither a Lord or a scientist, right?
  8. Why didn't you become a scientist when you where a lad?
  9. Facts are facts Bex, he's not an idiot because he his getting paid very nicely to spout rubbish. The idiots are the people who need to believe in him
  10. Geoff, Monkton is neither a Lord nor a scientist, he's a journalist. Just a crackpot cherry picking science relying on his audience's desire to believe and their "willing ignorance".
  11. no one ever accused you of being "anti electric", although the diesel powered laptop does raise some questions. Is this "anti electric" thing, the new racism?
  12. how big a battery do you need to run a bunch of LED lights?
  13. why not rewire your lighting circuit to 5v battery and solar panels?
  14. Captain, those street lights are probably LED so they use two fitfh's of bugger all power. Chinese now how to make stuff last [insert joke about their great wall outlasting our rabbit proof fence], they just export their rubbish and import ours.
  15. Ppl forget that big coal needs a lot of investment in "poles and wires" to deliver a kilowatt of power. Renewables breaks down a lot of the hidden costs of running a power network.
  16. you don't want a permanent subsidy on any industry, especially renewables, look how that worked out for Holden
  17. Most western governments have agricultural departments that have spent billions modelling the weather, primarily based on the need to keep feeding people.
  18. Bex, based on my extensive knowledge of wind turbine syndrome, you sound like you are suffering from a case of undiagnosed wind turbine syndrome, now could be a good time to contact your local homoeopath just to get a check up? can't hurt right?
  19. you're entitled to your opinions but you can't change the anecdotal evidence
  20. Have you guys seen this infographic? Only in Australia
  21. Ask a climate scientist! Not a journalist or a politician.
  22. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/01/new-satellite-maps-show-polar-ice-caps-melting-at-unprecedented-rate
  23. The global scientific conspiracy against big oil and coal? Is the same strategy tobacco company used through the 30-60's deny, discredit people, deny, discredit science, deny.
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