Geoff, there is a university in the UK working on a "spray on" solar panel. Pretty sure solar panels are mostly silicon which can be recycled fairly easily.
Geoff, I have seen since the advent of the internet ideas evolve much faster as its getting easier to shift information around.
One of the things announced this year: clear solar panels. Just imagine, you can stack solar panels over a mirror!
Coal is end of life technology, renewables are continuing to get more productive. There are too many countries [mostly western Europe] that rely on imported energy, they'll keep pumping money into renewables until they are cheaper than fossil fuels.
the sad thing is the Chinese end up burning out coal and the ash falls on the fields, which ends up in the food chain within months of it falling. The Chinese gov will end up buying Australian farms to feed their population.
The problem for the LNP is that the ALP didn't buy the copper infrastructure that telstra own only the conduits. To roll out the FTTN network they have to buy the copper of Telstra
From what I've read the LNP aren't funding anything in the NBN that isn't already a work in progress, so if there weren't shovels in the ground Q3 last year its not being built. My guess is they will go to the next election looking to sell the NBN off to the Foxtel/Telstra monopoly.
My area was due to get NBN in Oct 13 now the LNP have bumped it too Feb 15 as far as I can tell the LNP are defunding the NBN. If you live in an area that has NBN you're very lucky
The US labour model where 1/2 the positions in an enterprise are classified as "entry level" and paid a pittance. The LNP are committed to cutting penalties, so expect plenty more jobs to pay minimum wages.
Ask the Australian Democrats how the GST worked out for them. Can't see the minor parties in the senate backing Abbott's government. I remember the GST came in and we went from spending $500 a year at the accountants to over $3000 and spent a huge amount of time rewriting software systems to make us tax collectors