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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. The United States Tennis Association has apologised after Das Deutschlandlied was performed before a Fed Cup match in Hawaii by"mistake" German star's fury after Nazi anthem blunder - Tennis
  2. the election result writes its own history Trump's official inauguration poster has glaring typo
  3. [ATTACH]48093._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. yet GNu is happy using media polling to justify your bigotry about muslims
  5. ^^ then I trigger your wife by calling her fat old bag who smells like urine ^^ and suddenly I'm the bad guy for saying what everyone is thinking Playing into their hands but you can't stop immigrants unless you want to raise your kids to clean toilets for a living
  6. People coming from the middle east are much tougher and physically and mentally more resilient than us. Its inevitable that they will rise to the top, its the same with every migrant class. Trump's mother was an illegal Irish immigrant
  7. GNu has to be lying, no Muslim would seek out his company
  8. How does this happen in a "chrisitan" country? [ATTACH]48092._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. GNu is triggered by the idea of a his daughter or grand daughter taking on the veil It sounds like Northern Ireland
  10. Banning muslim refugees from finding sanctuary actually helps terrorists, the media hasn't explained this very well because the media survives on conflict and fear
  11. I love how GNu uses polling to imply that's he's got the higher moral ground here
  12. Trump: "Airports are very important when you travel. Very important." Remarks by President Trump in Meeting with the Aviation Industry
  13. WASHINGTON — A federal appeals panel on Thursday unanimously rejected President Trump’s bid to reinstate his ban on travel from seven largely Muslim nations, a sweeping rebuke of the administration’s claim that the courts have no role to act as a check on the president. The three-judge panel, suggesting that the ban did not advance national security, said, for instance, that the administration had pointed to “no evidence” that anyone from the seven nations had committed terrorism in the United States. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/09/us/politics/appeals-court-trump-travel-ban.html?_r=0
  14. I think the bookies have some crazy odds that Trump gets impeached for using the office to enrich himself. Poor old Jimmy Carter was forced to sell his peanut farm when he became POTUS.
  15. hell yeah, all roads lead to Adelaide
  16. How much choice do you have in Australia?
  17. ^^a well argued point^^
  18. so far Trump is showing the tactical brilliance akin to GWBush http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/trumps-first-military-raid-was-an-avoidable-tragedy-1791928904
  19. ^^ Lügenpresse ^^ when any thing other than blind obedience is considered subversion
  20. Can you see Senator Hanson and President Trump discussing her Easter Friday $5.99 Perch and Chips specials and other business matters, because that's what business people folks, they talk business.
  21. ^^ Lügenpresse ^^
  22. Is South Park funny?
  23. David Cameron 'asked Daily Mail owner to sack Paul Dacre over Brexit' BBC Newsnight report claims former prime minister pressed Lord Rothermere to ‘rein in’ editor before EU referendum
  24. the tories are going to fail Remoaner MPs gear up for desperate Brexit battle in the House of Commons despite David Davis warning of public wrath if they block Article 50 David Davis warned rebels in Commons of backlash for opposing Brexit Bill Said the question before the House was whether it 'trusts the people or not' Dozens of Labour, SNP and Lib Dem MPs expected to oppose the key Bill But government expected to win a strong overall majority in vote tomorrow Shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer appeals for Labour to back Article 50 Read more: Brexit Bill debate starts in the House of Commons | Daily Mail Online
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