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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. How good was the baby bonus! The LNP just never get social engineering right. The PPL for millionaires will cost the country a packet
  2. Finding an employer who wants to employ anyone over the age of 50 is extremely difficult, the LNP know this and want to force people to opt out of their super earlier so that they can tax them.
  3. Just remember not everyone voted for this government, Abbott is a politician not a leader.
  4. Your entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to my facts
  5. Don't shoot me, I didn't take the photograph and put it on the internet. I just like to remind the bigots the world keeps changing regardless of their views, can't blame me for being on the right side of an issue.
  6. Australia has been found guilty of almost 150 violations of international law over the indefinite detention of 46 refugees in one of the most damning assessments of human rights in this country by a United Nations committee. Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/federal-election-2013/un-finds-australia-guilty-in-150-cases-20130822-2sei6.html#ixzz2rfIt8gCB
  7. You know the truth, you're only lying to yourself
  8. This is the problem with the boats issue, once they stop, you realise what the LNP are doing for the country?
  9. the loony right, a commie under every bed. Why doesn't anyone want to talk about the benefits of marriage counselling vouchers?
  10. I know, no e in yous
  11. How good was tony's speech about growth and taxes in switzerland?
  12. Why aren't we willing to talk about these marriage counselling vouchers? After 6 painful years of the ALP they must feel like fresh egg on the LNP supporters face?
  13. trying to make your reality work?
  14. Six long years of Gillard and Rudd and the policy outcome after 6 months government: $200 counselling voucher. Remember when Keating described Abbott as an intellectual nobody?
  15. Things that you cannot remember... Is that freaky or what? Its like seeing a car accident but being unable to remember the car, the road or who was killed.
  16. It took the LNP 6 years in opposition to work out that $200 marriage counselling vouchers would turn our society around :celebrate:Its marriage counselling led recovery.
  17. Cartoonists love the LNP
  18. so let me get this right the media is biased because its not vilifying asylum seekers enough. Ever wondered what the media looks like to the other side?
  19. But you turn off the TV when the ABC starts telling you things you don't like. GNU telling people to get ejukated.
  20. Be honest, you wouldn't want to find answers to those questions about asylum seekers would you? Much easier to ignore those facts which challenge your world view
  21. Australia has made Alan Jones very wealthy man, he's been calling for more action on this marriage counseling voucher initiative for a long time. Australia is in safe hands judging by the accolades the international community comments.
  22. OH C'mon, If our good friend Alan Jones says there is bias you better believe there is bias. Why bother with the facts, they might weaken your obedience?
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