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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. if they are buying commodities in $US and the value of the £UK goes down relative to it, its just a currency issue.
  2. Pound devaluation hitting hard Brexit could push up the price of coffee by 5%
  3. After Pauline rose to prominence Abbott came up to QLD and visited her, he titled his report "the feral right", the libs must have listened to Abbott because they responded with offshore processing to keep them happy. Pauline is a racist, if she wasn't why would so many people vote for her? She's just telling racists what they want to hear, the ferals aren't geniuses they don't like things that they don't understand.
  4. I would describe Pauline as being a cult like figure, ferals love her because the mainstream world keeps rejecting her simpleton ways. The ferals that love her all the same, middle aged and oldies, white blokes, semi skilled, usually stuck in loveless marriages and or dead end jobs.
  5. Send her your money Bex, you can do your own research better yet send her your money.
  6. ONP will implode much like how Clive imploded, can you imagine how long its going to take her hillbillies to read any legislation?
  7. Pauline is just a manipulator, she just understands what the ferals fear and twists the argument to her advantage by overstating the threat and promising to fight it. She used to beat on Asians but she knows she will get prosecuted for hate speech, so know she attacks Islam.
  8. yeah baby, the UK is going back to its roots: money laundering As new report shows HSBC ‘too big to jail’, MEP warns UK could become a leading tax haven following Brexit | Molly Scott Cato MEP
  9. Hanson supporters asking questions just as silly sounding
  10. The good news Bex is Pauline is going on QandA on Monday night, less than a week after she said she wasn't going to do any more media if they weren't going to give her a "fair go". Not sure exactly what a "fair go" means, so watch her implode on the ABC next week.
  11. A great read on the rise of the Feral right in Australia and Our Margaret Thatcher The return of Pauline Hanson and One Nation
  12. London and Sydney are safe havens, when you have money that you need safely stashed away in RE they are the first choice. It's like an undocumented investment returning 7% every year.
  13. So the pound is down 14% compared to the USD, fantastic news for English and Irish immigrants that have settled in the US, they now have a "cheap" destination to buy up houses.
  14. Jeez how many ONP voters actually read or can maintain concentration to read more than the headlines?
  15. this is a fantastic view from the far right about how they were robbed in the election What Happened To The Conservative Vote? read the comments for extra giggles
  16. halal certification is chicken feed to education, the big GPS school in Toowoomba pays the principal $489K a year, that's a skim of $400 per student gov subsidies $5k
  17. It might surprise you to learn that most "religious ministers" that is people that have had religious instruction and can claim to have an insight into God's will, receive the majority of their remuneration as employee benefits, where the religious organisation pays the Fringe benefits tax, ie doesn't pay the tax. It's a beautiful lurk, to bust into halal certification market you only really need a post office box and a mobile phone.
  18. this chap seems most un-British, is he Polish?
  19. Free business idea for you: Oakey discount halal certification
  20. Who was the biggest Truther? The guy that sent a private detective to Hawaii and was never heard of again: Trump
  21. These idiots end up hurting Australian companies because NZed doesn't care about Halal certification No Cookies | The Advertiser There was a senate inquiry into this last year that showed halal certification was a economic bonus to every company trying to sell into the middle east
  22. always good to hear from the Abbott supporters
  23. liberals in meltdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqy14gGQF1c
  24. probably the greatest commentary on Pauline Hanson's return to power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLa2oOUWCwA
  25. Hinch is a creation of the ALP and he is just as f---ed up, so thanks Victoria. Keep in mind that after 6 months the novelty of wheeling out your racist grandma for a soundbite will get pretty tired and the media will tear her to shreds. She also will hire James Ashby as an advisor, so he might take another big payday to spoil Pauline's run.
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