What a dud of an election; looks like the Turnbull Coalition will be returned with a reduced majority. But Labor and the Libs have done preference deals to knobble the Greens, NXT and the Nationals which will mean a fairly hostile senate. I don't know how either major party will be able to govern anymore
But leaving the EU won't won't make manufacturing competitive, you are still stuck with high English taxes to pay for your monarchy.
Phil you can see a new era of British wealth and prosperity but none will trickle down to the working man as the lords and ladies will quickly decide that getting migrants to fill jobs is still cheaper than hiring locals.
Imagine all the Poms screaming when the price of food goes up, and then taxes go up, and then petrol goes up, and then clothes go up, and then taxes go up, and then cars go up, and then rents go up, and the tories are like "England for the English"
Do you have any concept of how the economy works? Have you wondered why Antonio wants all those refugees in the Toowoomba region? That welfare money they bring with them is pure gold, fills all those empty houses, schools and shops.
I can guarantee you people will buy Oakey spring water because they are sick of the nanny state and the government telling them that everything is dangerous and they can't do it.
Looking around Toowoomba there are hundreds of vacant properties and hundreds more in the building phase, there just aren't enough battlers to rent them.