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If you say a voter is "dumb" simply because they vote for a given party, yeah you're being a bit of a douche. Including Liberal or Hanson. Now if they say "I'm voting for the Liberals because I heard they're going to give everyone who has a baby in the next 12 months a free car" then yeah I'd say that moves into the realm of being dumb. Personally I speak very disparagingly of pollies like Roberts (especially) and Hanson because they've said some pretty stupid things, in my opinion. But they're pollies. Many others have too. They're fair game. Same for Shorten. Same for Hanson-Young. If you're a supporter and you say something dumb, you're fair game but to a slightly lesser extent. By that I mean everyone is entitled to have an opinion, but the same rules that allow you to have one also allow other people to criticise it and call it what they think it is. If it gives people hurty feelings to have their opinions heavily criticised, that's a bit of bad luck. However if you're a supporter, being called a moron only because you're a supporter (ie, in the absence of having actually expressed any points of view you could be criticised on) is douche-like behaviour, yes.
My experience is quite different. I know a number of lefties and many more righties. Of the lefties, I can never recall anything bigoted from them and they're pretty despondent at the pointless anti-Trump street protests. But I admit I don't personally know anyone who is on the extreme left. I'm pretty sure I don't personally know anyone on the extreme right either. I would find it impossible to be friends with anyone on either extreme. I flew with a guy not long ago who turned to me and said, unsolicited (don't even know how it came up), "I just cannot believe in this day and age there are people still dumb enough to vote Labour. These people are really, really thick." I didn't vote Labour or the Greens so I just sat there and shutup silently thinking he was a douchebag. But it's clearly not true to say or imply that type of attitude is unique to the left.
No, no, not at all. "He stretcheth" - clear reference to the evolution over millions of years of upright bipedal humans from more primitive quadrupedal mammals. The Bible got it absolutely right. "Out the North" - quite plainly the Bible here is explaining that charged particles from the Sun impact gas molecules in the Earth's atmosphere which then emit photons of light, the colour of which depends on the gas particle impacted. The Bible even tells us that it's the "North"...ern lights. We just renamed it "Aurora Borealis" later. "over the empty place" - the first biblical reference to a perfect vacuum. "and hangeth the earth..." - anyone can see this refers to just those hanging Earth globes you can buy for your ceiling. A biblical "lol this'll get 'em talking! Hahahaha!" They were not just holy men - they were bloody funny guys when they wanted to be! "upon nothing" - rather obviously this is referring to quantum particles in a quantum vacuum. The Bible predicted the field of Quantum Electrodynamics way ahead of any physicist. And that's only one verse! The Bible has science covered, mate.
There were a number of documented cases of conservatives threatening to take up arms if Trump didn't win. One prominent one was a former Republican congressman. I saw an interview with another where he was quite blunt about it. Guess it's kinda lucky we didn't get to see whether it was just hot air!
Ah the old "atheists do not have scientific minds" chestnut! Thomas Edison - confessed atheist. Inventor of the first practical electric light bulb, inventor of the phonograph, the first quadruplex telegraph, motion picture camera, and alkaline battery. Professor Stephen Hawking - confessed atheist. Everyone knows he's a complete and total dumbass. Alan Turing - confessed atheist. Founding father of computer science and the first ever general purpose computer. Turing was particularly evil as he was also homosexual, but you'll be relieved that after being criminally convicted of a (totally consensual between two adults) homosexual act in 1952, he was chemically castrated by court order. That'll put a smile on your face. Professor Steven Weinburg - confessed atheist. Nobel Prize for physics for his work in elementary particle physics and cosmology. Yet another non-scientific dumbass. There are heaps of others, but as always, what's the point here?
The "liar liar, pants on fire" method of presenting your contrarian argument to scientific theories has always been a good one. That the scientists don't take it seriously just proves their arrogance and immaturity.
I'm not entirely sure that article is a particularly "balanced" viewpoint. None of the articles from conservative bastion publications which are seething and frothing towards the media, celebrities, etc have even attempted to get the points made by Lichton regarding the key factors which influence US elections throughout history and which he correctly predicted yet again (and he's actually a Democrat).
Professor Allan Lichtman, the guy who has correctly predicted election outcomes for 30 years (including against the polls) has a somewhat different point of view, and a fascinating follow-up prediction. It is true though that the Dems and the Republicans are broken parties (Republicans arguably more so which is kinda ironic given their guy won) who have fallen out of touch, and that Clinton did herself no favours at all. Lichtman Prediction "I'm going to make another prediction," he said. "This one is not based on a system, it's just my gut. They don't want Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable. They'd love to have Pence - an absolutely down the line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook."
Yeah but unlike cyberbullying that carried risks, as one notorious bully found out in the school yard when he bullied a friend of mine (I was a witness to the incident from a short distance away). The problem was that the bully didn't bring his bully friends for backup. He was relying solely on bluff and bravado from a position of being "in your face". Big mistake. Turns out if you hit a bully hard enough without warning and their mates aren't there, they can actually start crying.
When I was a kid, you couldn't be relentlessly bullied by dozens of people by remote control 24 hours a day. The only way you could be bullied was if they said it to your face.
If I titled the painting "Australian Military Medical Officer Working For UN Treats Sick Timorese Child" would that tip Gnu over the edge?
Hitler was 45 when he became Chancellor. He was 57 when his plans were abruptly cut short in his bunker. Stalin was 44 when he became General Secretary of the Communist Party and still murdering into his 70s. Just as well we leave politics to the more mature adults, eh?
The most bizarre thing regarding the Electoral College is the number of times the electors, who are supposed to cast their votes to select the President in accordance with the results of the election, have changed their mind and cast a vote for someone else (which the people didn't vote for)! Admittedly this hasn't actually ever changed the result because the Electoral College margin has been too great. Also on one occasion many years back an elector did a ring-around to other electors before the Electoral College convened to vote for President and asked them to change their votes (although fortunately they didn't)! The other thing is the winner-take-all allocation of Electoral College votes. Like Pennsylvania with its 20 Electoral College votes. Doesn't matter if the popular vote there is Trump 2,000,000 and Hillary 1,999,999. The votes for President in the College are not then distributed 11 to 10. Trump gets all 20 of them! So the end result is a somewhat distorted image of reality, such as the rubbish I got in my news feed today reposted by a friend, claiming it was a "landslide victory to Trump". I pointed out that the popular vote in fact favoured Hillary Clinton. If you count the Electoral College vote though, it is a comfortable Trump victory. They basically said "so Trump won easily, but more people actually voted for Clinton?" I said "yep, exactly". That messed with their mind a bit.
2 year old kid with an infected face. My wife is not tall, and she was crouching quite low (she's almost kneeling).
Not on the pillow. But very close by. As you know, everyone was aware of the consequences of misplacing or losing it!
Yeah....you know, you get me thinking a lot about of stuff, especially my perception of what goes on in the world and whether everything is really as it seems. The other day while sorting stuff out from our recent move, I was looking at this painting. It's done by a guy who took a photo taken of my wife when she was working with the UN as part of UNTAET. She's got the blue UN cap and the white UN badge. You'd know what UNTAET was......without googling it.....of course. I know very little about the stuff they do in 3rd world countries, as you say. I know she was always armed with a 9mm semi-automatic pistol while there (even had to sleep with it). And I thought to myself after reading your stuff about the UN.....have I actually just been looking at evidence associated with a crime? What did she do to that poor child? Whatever happened to him? I'm going to do some investigating - I could be about to bust open the latest UN scandal! Sorry for the thread drift....but Gnu has me really questioning whether my universe is real. [ATTACH]48029._xfImport[/ATTACH]
It's a thread about politics mate. Fire away!
That's the 1st Amendment (free speech, religion etc). 2nd Amendment is that Jim-Bob and Billy-Ray in the back of a pickup truck with 2 Armalites and 6000 rounds of ammo going on a 'gator shoot constitutes a "well organised militia" and thus have a right to bear arms.
Oooooookay. Let me see if I've got this right. Bill Clinton flew a number of times on a private jet which happened to owned by a sex offender. Never any suggestion he knew this guy was doing it (cos like, sex offenders always tell everyone they know their little secret don't they?) but....it's bad somehow.....for Clinton. You know Trump was a buddy of the same guy don't you? But it's not bad for him because......ummmm........ And this is linked to UNICEF because...... And cholera is being spread by the UN hidden in polio vaccines or something? And......this is happening while the UN rapes children.....with polio and cholera......on a jet owned by a guy..... Nah, sorry Gnu. You've lost me.
That's an excellent idea. That will also, by default, defund UN organisations like UNICEF and stop them doing stupid stuff like vaccinating children against polio in poor countries. Love it!
Bit of a logistical difference. The Palestinian border is the little bit in the middle which looks like the two chunks taken out of the eastern side of Israel. [ATTACH]48027._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Oh come on Marty......now you're just jumping the shark.
How do you know Bex wasn't in on this scam with the rest of his Chinese business partners right from the beginning?
Not actually sure that anyone on this thread suggested it was going to change overnight Bex. In fact from my viewpoint at least, I've fairly consistently stated things will only start turning pear-shaped if and when he starts implementing certain policies he made public. Up until that point, well there's not much to see here. Heck, he might just be content to not make too many policy decisions, backtrack on all the stuff he said, and just sit back and grope a rotating bevy of new blonde female White House interns for all I know.