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Everything posted by daddy-jake

  1. Speak with your Health and Safety Officer in confidence. They have an obligation to act, they have to tools and resources to respond. Everyone is right when they say you can't get work involved. They already are by not providing you with a safe and secure workplace. You need to meet with your Health and safety rep/Officer. Provide them with documentation of your complaint, have them provide you with a signed copy that they have received it. In it have them specify a timely manner to respond. If you don't get a satisfactory response from them escalate your complaint to Fair Work. Document,document document. P.S. The above is qualified advice. I am a qualified Workplace Health and Safety Officer. For WHSO's a gentle reminder to management that these issues can cost them 2 years in full wages while someone is on stress leave and result in 1/4 million dollar pay-outs is usually persuasion enough to have these matters addressed.
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