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About robinsm

  • Birthday 27/09/1950

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  1. great for eastern seaboard but useless in the outback. Drive one to broken hill...
  2. sell it to a private operator and then you will get nothing.
  3. Dudley Pope, Alexander Kent etc. All good detained stories. Conrad, etc.
  4. someone is forgetting the climates and available resources of the quoted countries. We do not have the major rivers top spare for hydro, or geothermal. How does nuclear grab you, based in the out back away from population centres.
  5. ok I am giving up, enjoy the conversation. My apathy has finally kicked in.
  6. The current crop of bushfires tends to stuff up your arguments about reduction of carbon dioxide doesnt it. One volcanoe and boom, back to square one.
  7. ok lemmings 1, common sense and the scientific community 0.
  8. In the 1980's there was a large drought in NSW. Goulburn ( a city of 28000 people) just about ran out of water (weeks remaining and the dam totally dry)- no usable rain for many many months, cattle being shot because of no feed, farmers suiciding and being driven off the land. Does this sound familiar??? Nothing to do with climate change then, just a cyclic weather pattern that seems to have recurred now. Dust storms on the eastern seaboard. reaching many thousands of feert into the air. I remember the dust building up against fences because of no grass. I defy anyone to claim climate change for that. What is so differnt now? Darwin 1974, increaserd hurricanes, flooding....climate change...I dont think so. Wake up people, follow the money, thats who is driving the myth of climate change. You follow like lemmings over a cliff...WAKE UP
  9. One of the best thread drifts I have seen, hope the reunion goes well young fella...lol
  10. It all depends on which philosophy they believe in. If you read the Karan, you will see the basis that they live by. Its not a pretty story and espouses world domination, murder, racism etc etc on almost every page. The pity is that the ideas have not been altered to suit modern times. The beliefs are medieval, elitist, criminal, arrogant and mysoginistic in the extreme. The attitud etoward women is abominable. There are good and bad in all walks of life, but not many follow a missive that dictates the ideas of the Koran. Read it then argue for it.
  11. So the massive attrocities in the middle east, involving country populations is trhe actions of a minority in respose to the teachings of a book by a desert dwelling, paedophilic, drug taking slave trader. OK, terrorism, drug trade gangs and selling, shooting on the streets of sydney etc etc is the actions of a minority so why do the majority not take action to clean these crimes etc up.
  12. Its not islamic clothing, it was designed to keep the sand out of the eyes etc in the desert. No desert here on the east coast. If I have to remove my bike helmet to enter a bank, why do these idiots not have to uncover for the same reason. Crimes committed by men disguised in the full face post box item have been recorded because no one can identify them under the cloth. Ban the burqua, hiqab, etc no problems. Using a scarf to tame unruly hair or stop your hairdo from being mashed by the elements is one thing, wearing a black sheet with a slit for the eyes is another. The clothing is not a religious requirement, it was a climatic one. The wearing of the haedgear for nuns etc was to appear like then clothing of Mary etc who were raised and lived in the middle east and had the same sand in the hair problem Sensibly they changed with the times not like the medieval male centered mohammedans.
  13. Immigrant crime rates in NSW and Vic are out of control, hand them a large friendly trough and boy do they feed from it, legally or illegally. Our obligations are from the UN which is run by countries that do not honour their obligations, ie Middle east countries etc. Genuine refugees that assimilate and play the game legally are fine but the current batches have bought many bad attitudes with them. I point to the crtime gangs in Victoria, the drug trade and stand overs in Sydney etc etc. Immigrants from africa and middle eastern countries running thesae. I appreciate that there are good honest hard working genuine refugees but our do good tree huggers have removed any semblance of filtering and common sense from the process. When I see friends of mine suffer home invasions, assaults and robberies from immigrant gangs I am afraid I do not share your sense of pat em on the back and bend over. I point to the problems being suffered by germany, england, scandinavia and some mediterranean countries to make my point. Do we want this here. If everyone plays by the same book then fine, but they dont.
  14. so what is your alternative, unlimited immigration with Labour/greens. Bad fiscal decisions with same ...who remembers 17% interest rates under Lab. Highest unemp[loyment under Lab, scandals, infighting etc etc. I am not a LNP supporter but they beat the hell out of the proposed alternative. Illiterate tree huggers dictating policy to Lab pollies who should know better but need to trade off their principles for voles.
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