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Everything posted by robinsm

  1. so the upshot is, the people donating to him are funding a 3 million payday for him. I bet he doesnt give the money from the case to anyone else. There are still some gullible idiots out there
  2. so you are a person of Oz as well...what does that say about your choices...lol.
  3. The politicians won or lost the election, not the polls. Blame who you like for labours defeat, the matter is that they lost the unloosable election. Incompetence comes into play there somewhere. The people of Australia arent stupid, they elect the government, not polsters or self opinionated commentators.
  4. So how come I was paying 17% mortgage interest rates during his reign. He dumped his wife for a blonde bimbo and people think he is a god. Not in my eyes. Famous for skulling beer, screwing over bill hayden etc. Sorry he passed but not celebrating his non achievements.
  5. Indoor wood fires, volcanoes, rotting vegetation, cow farts, all contribute to atmospheris CO2 levels. . Climate change is cyclic, not a current problem. Any major drive to fix the CO2 levels would be instantly undone by bush fires and volcanoes. First it was the ozone layer, p[roven not a problem, then methane from cows, now climate change that funnily enough involves money and investment into carbon credits etc. Sound like a whole money making exercvise to me. I believe the science does not even agree with the climater change groups.
  6. The rear suspension springs are also used as part of the suspension in a popular indian produced ultralight.
  7. robinsm


    so the long term psychological damage to the victims is irrelevant? I think your thinking needs an enema.
  8. Unfortunately, given the state of the 2 major parties and their reliance on the ...Nationals/greens, I dont think either is fit to be the government and theren lies the peoblem because no one else has the complete policies to govern. We are up the creek without a paddle so to speak. Shades of the "banana republic"
  9. so there realy is a santa claus?
  10. eh...potato...potahto
  11. Didn't say you did, just that someone did and we are getting what they voted for. That being said, not sure who to vote for, opportunistic me too labour, brain dead greens, immoral Nats or greedy libs....not much choice really..
  12. not a hope in hell, political posturing
  13. Yep, someone voted them in so you get what you voted for I guess.
  14. so you dont need morals to lead this country, only money. Says a lot for the tone that society, and our politicians are developing.
  15. Then there was the E 2+2 (4 seater)...rarer than hens teeth.
  16. Yep, read it, disagree. Why should my money, and that of every other working Oz person go to do something that the governments of those countries should be doing. I reiterate, the money is not going to the people, its going to the politicians. I repeat, if you are going to give our money away, at least get a return from it and help the people, not the political ideology, the religious money people etc. Sorry mate, but our people come first, our health and welfare come first. Read Nomad petes answer. Properly targeted is correct, but who decides that. Surely the government of the country the money is going to and who controls the feeding trough for these people...???
  17. good, then they are getting something right, maybe a first for them...
  18. Sorry to disagree, but my taxes are paid to support me and mine, not some corrupt overseas govt that pockets the profits and says "stuff the people." Forget the money, how about investing in industry and works that make a return to the investor, put money into the pockets of the people that actually need it and give the ordinary people some pride and leadership to start and manage their own affairs. Unfortunately I beleive that a return for the investment is need to repay it, after all, I, and others, worked for that money, we deserve to get a benefit, and not just a feel good, from it. Tree hugging is all very well but giving overseas govt\s money to fatten the beaurocrats doesnt cut it for me.
  19. The americanisation of our country. People dont matter any more, its all about the penny pinchers and how our leaders appear on the world stage. What is the popint of having a budget in surplus when the populace are starving or suffering. I thought the government was elected to care for the peoiplke of the country as well as looking after the housekeeping, not sending money overseas to make us look good. Charity begins at home.
  20. Obviously you have your opinion.
  21. Nope, disagree. These pollies should be setting the moral tone for the country. They, because of their position, should be seen to be a cut above the average bed jumping prole. If they cant keep it in their pants, or behind their skirts then how can we trust that they will do the right thing by us in their governance of the country. I am one of the few that believe you act as you believe and obviously these dickless wonders believe that everything is for screwing so where does that leave us. If they want to screw around do it when they are not in a responsible leadership roll that people are meant to respect and look up to.....
  22. This mob have now sold their business to a local provider. Be interesting to see if the quality is maintained... Not happy.
  23. Sorry KG, NZ did have conscription. I was selected for mil service in 1969 by ballot. All 19 year olds in NZ at the time had to register with the Dept of labour to go into the ballot for service. Might pay to check your facts. I still have my military registration card from that time. EDIT>> KG was partially correct on reflection butIt was made very clear to me that I would "volunteer to serve in vietnam" when I as conscripted. I know what the policy was but the actual was somewhat different.
  24. Why should Jollife have to apologise. No One apologies for jokes about Jews, Politicians, Catholics, Irishmen etc, so why in this case? I thought they were funny and still do. Doesn't make me feel less about the aboriginals. Political correctness is offensive...I am offended by it...lol
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