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Everything posted by robinsm
Complain as much as you like, they elected him (in their weird system) so they get the politicians they deserve. Unfortunately the rest of the world is, again, being led by the short and curlies by USA bulldust. There is not a lot we can do about it. Untill our politicians actually grow some integrity and actually do the job they were elected to do, we are going to be stomped on by their masters in the good ol" US o f A. Unfortunately we elected our politicians also (of all parties) and we are getting what we elected, right or wrong. As someone said, lube up and bend over, here it comes again...
I repeat my mantra....Who stands to gain the money...??? Yes it is wrong, but 4 years, please....lets jump on the bandwagon...money. Sexual or any other type of harrassment is never acceptable, albeit male to female or female to male (or to those who care....one gender neutral to another gender neutral...lol).
I switched to bendigo bank telco and have had no problems with speed, phone or anything else. Just sayin
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Religion
as long as everyone is playing by the same rules, no problems, however, they dont. Reasonable yes, one eyed religious fanatic, no. Sorry Nev, I understand and agree where you are coming from but unfortunately actions speak loud and they are shouting. -
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Religion
People, Islam is not a religion of peace, it is predicated on war, oppression, sexism, paedophilia and threats of death if you did not follow its teachings or disagreed with his teachings.. It consist of the drugged out ravings of a slave trader with children for wives. The adherants were iliterate desert dwellers, uneducated, incestuous people. Please, do not mix up intelligence and religion, they do not go together. I am not defending any other religion, just this one is dangerous at the present time. I have heard all the historical arguments for the other religious attrocities from other religions, but we are dealing with this one now and it presents a clear and present danger to our current way of life. -
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Religion
Or maybe they make advances so they are not killed as punishment for not producing....note...germany in WW2, Egypt in the Pharoahs reign, Russia early in the 20th century etc etc. Nothing to do with peace love and mung beans. Most technological advances are associated with wars as peaceful people do not need to invent to survive. -
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Religion
Yes the advances did happen, but it had nothing to do with religion, what about the chinese advances...is that a result of religion or just industrious people whose time came? Lets leave the religion out of it. Bright people are in all countries, -
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Religion
Rubbish. Arabs and other middle eastern people are from countries, nothing to do with a slave trading paedophile getting messages while stoned. Religion has nothing to do with science. People have to do with science. Not religion. -
At the risk of being flamed, I see this gender balance issue as being anti male, stupid and a divisive nonsense. I have have no problem with women in the workplace, I have worked with and for, women for most of my 40 plus years of working life, but I have a problem with policies that are aimed at pleasing the tree hugging, loonie left, rent a mob minority. The traditional role of the male is as a worker and income earner. Nothing against women doing this but as mentioned earlier, we are wired differently. The women's main traditional role is that of a care giver, mother and supporter. If people had not come to rely on 2 incomes to support expensive increasingly extravagant lifestyles and learned to rely on one income then we would not be having this discussion. Imagine the difference having a parent (either male or female) at home all the time would make to our children, as well as the unemployment problem. Like many people on this site, my family has relied on one income and have the house, car, computers etc. My children also has a parent at home full time doing what parents do, raising children, providing a valuable support base for the rest of the family. Sorry people but we are different, we have biologically different functions and I feel that greed, wants and convenience has replaced, to a large extent the comfort, needs and important child raising functions of the "used to be" family unit where all were partners contributing to the over all functioning of the unit.
remember the rainbow warrior...dont speak the language, cant stand the food, not to keen on the people or politics either. Try another republic...maybe the banana one?
'Removal of politically incorrect statues' is ratcheted up. . .
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
I am getting really annoyed with all and sundry blaming non aboriginal peoples for events that happened 200 plus years ago. I wasn't there, neither were the current brood of aboriginals, does that mean we are going to be held responsible for everything that occurred throughout recorded history by our ancestors? I wish some people would grow up, get a brain and just learn from the mistakes of the past. No apology necessary, no cash grants, no protests by white apologists. Just get along with life. Political correctness has gone absolutely stupid. When tree hugging apologists and bleeding hearts place the welfare, and feelings, of minority groups over the welfare and health of working australians, of all types, who have been here quietly all the time and have been funding all of this crap with their taxes, wake up and smell the roses, then common semse may reign but I am not holding my breath. We have a situation where the inmates are trying to impose their will on the asylum at the expense of the majority. No apology, no rewards, no "sorry", just wake up for goodness sake. -
The environment is not the problem, its the other stupid policies they espouse with no knowledge that makes them dangerous
on the original topic....Greens are ... Tree hugging dangerous idiots...
Saudi Arabia chairs the UN Council for Human Rights.
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Sort of proves the whole idiocy doesnt it. Religious paedophilia (underage marriage), punishment by death for the smallest infractions, government by frustrated undereducated old men who have not a brain to rub together.....yep welcome to the asylum (the shame of it is the do gooders approve of this.....) -
Saudi Arabia chairs the UN Council for Human Rights.
robinsm replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
proves the UN has had its day and now a vehicle for the richest not a democratic world body. . -
Pity his mate Mal didn't wear one as well, that would make a pack of a..soles
So, no warranty I guess?
remember, when god made man she was only joking...lol
Because you have to purchase the plot, it will be interesting to see if there will be any rembursement of monies paid to the relatives. leave the dead in peace, plenty of room out side the main centres.
Only if our Govt agrees, no matter who is in power in the states, we will follow like little sheep so, again, the Yank leaders do not matter, its our leaders that do... They changed leaders and parties in the states during Vietnam but we still died. Policy is not made by the president, its made by the house of reps.
Hey people, this is AUSTRALIA, Not the Useless of A. Trump and Clinton are Yanks, not Australians. Just to mention it as some people cant seem to get their heads around that. Who the heck cares about the USA elections, we should be addressing our own problems here at home.
sharpen the palings then no one can sit on the fence
liked win 7, could not stand win 8.1, learning to like win 10 so far. All ok so far..