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Everything posted by robinsm

  1. NSW also has life for life. Do you want someone who is imprisoned for multiple murders living next to you? How do you know they have "reformed". If we dont seek retrbution for crimes then what is the use of having laws and m,oral codes?
  2. The inmates are running the asylum now so it doesn't surprise me. Lets have a national life sentence for murder day.
  3. Get real, 34 women have died in Australia this year from domestic violence, with no comment from the bleeding hearts, and your worried about a couple of drug barons. I rest my case
  4. so that makes it ok? Reality check please...
  5. So given the sentiment that they had rehabilitated themselves, ashould we then let out the anita coby killers, the janine balding killers, the port arthur assassin and sundry other nasties because they have .."rehabilitated" themselves. Wake up people, these are worse than killers, they did it deliberately knowing the end result to their victims. They knew what would happen if they got caught. Bleeding hearts are all very well, but what about a solution to the probl;em that doesnt cost us money that could be better spent elsewhere. This case has nothing to do with alcohol, marijuana or smoking, it has to do with the willful importation of heroin into a country that has specifically given the death sentence for its importation. What about showing sympathy for those here in Australia that need it, old people, ill people and those not as lucky as us. This is not the first time these 2 brought drugs into countries. How about we get back to flying and the important things in life, not the removeal of some garbage overseas that no one really cares about.
  6. Does their reform include patching up the lives of those they have made victims, helping the families and children of their indirect victims? Is it ok to say sorry and be forgiven all of their past crap. Remember, its not about them, its about the hundreds of victims of their crimes and the sorrow and anguish, along with the ruined lives and deaths from overdoses. Dont give me the peace, love and mung beans sob story, good riddance I say, someone is taking out the garbage and maybe they will pay in the here after. Feel sorry for the people they have stuffed up, not them, they have do not have to face this any more.
  7. people tend to forget that these people are worse than murderers. They affect many people, not just their immediate family and they do it for greed. They spread despair, disease and crime. The shooting of these 2 individuals has taken 2 pieces of evil off the streets and maybe saved a large number of lives. The stuff they were trafficing in, for money and greed, is the stuff that makes people commit crime, splits up families and condemns the victims to a life of misery and hardship. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
  8. works for me doug...
  9. I remember the weather bureau in Melbourne installing as huge 2 gigabyte hard drive assembly in 1991. At that time it was close to the largest in the country. They had to remove part of the side of one floor of the building to get it in. Damn thing was huge. Also remember doing night patrols in Auckland of data centres. Along with paper tape and card programming there was manual disc stacks of 1meg that were removed and replaced in slide out drawers. IBM in Auckland had a mainframe that occupied 2 floors of a multistorey building. My phone has roughly 1000 times the memory of that thing.
  10. Why not Pete. Count me in. Yep tomo, them's was the days all right. Nothing like a gratuitous post number bump.
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