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spacesailor last won the day on November 24 2023

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About spacesailor

  • Birthday 06/10/1942

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  1. Yes ! . I was on " Nexium " for many years and that is bad for your Kidneys. I just stopped taking them & told the Dr " I'll go cold Turkey " . Seem to be managing my ' reflux ' easily.. fingers crossed spacesailor
  2. Try ' standing on your head ' . Even makes your ' waistline ' look good ' . spacesailor On his " backswing " .
  3. Advancing age !. When I turned 70 my Dr , put me on low dose cholesterol & blood-pressure tablets forever. spacesailor
  4. I drew the " carport & garage on A3 paper " with those connotations / scale bits " at the bottom . The council did ask if I had used an " architect ' . so I lied . " of course sir " . spacesailor
  5. I don't know if this is positive My eldest Greatgrandson has got his Learners permit. Already He wanted to fly ,( RAAF ) BUT I don't think he has enough education . spacesailor
  6. Those new ' low profile ' tyres have little in strength in the wall area . The neighbours nice new Tesla has had a tyre replaced , due to wall chaffing the gutters edge . Now he's done it again & pulled a fifty-cent size peice of rubber off the sidewall . So another new tyre needed. ( to replace a new tyre ) . 20inch hight 35 profile. A 265. 65.15 tyre has the rim above the kerb hight . spacesailor
  7. The " voice ''. " native committees " telling the " elected " government how the country will be run ( in their way ) . Sound about right .Similar to NZ two court system. spacesailor
  8. Alas it didn't survive. I never worked out how 500-minus , workers could ever support 2000 office workers . Just plain ' bureaucracy ' paper-work, instead of product being produced. All items ( made/used/needed ) to be documented in triplicate spacesailor
  9. Or an " arsonist " .. Gets rid of that deadwood and the bureaucracy at the same time. They even look like bureaucrats. spacesailor PS. : I worked at one company the had 2000 plus factory workers . But a few hundred office workers . WhenI left it had 2000 plus office workers & less than 500 factory workers .
  10. " Blunders ". Like trying to split Australia into a dual ' citizen ' country . that cost my vote . I certainly don't want a country like Ireland.. Maybe good to live there , if you don't upset the opposition. spacesailor
  11. Wasn't " Bandag " the horrible tread thrower . spacesailor
  12. You should have one oar , to ' scull ' , ( learn it ) . Sculling is an art form . Churning figure eights in the water . spacesailor
  13. I used " retreads " for many years , purchased from the retreading factory . Very occasionally , retreaded my 'owned ' tyre . So knew what the carcase was treated like . I never had a blow-out , from a retread , but had lots of rim separation on cheap radials . spacesailor
  14. Only the " speed twin " 1950s model. spacesailor
  15. Photos ! . Anyone near Burke, could you possibly nip over to " Quonebone station " to take a few pics . 98 klmtrs NE of Nyngan, ( as the crow fly's ) . LoL Yes , they do have an airstrip . spacesailor
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