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spacesailor last won the day on November 24 2023

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About spacesailor

  • Birthday 06/10/1942

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  1. our highway speed laws are only .IMHO. revenue raising Just look at the $millions , both State and Federal are racking in ! . spacesailor
  2. If we want more panels on roofs . Why Do they cut out the low user's of power . That " minimum power bill " clause , has stopped many a home having ' rooftop solar ' installed . The wealthier homes use the most of what their panels produce. Those that use the least, & therefore contribute more to the grid , get no help installing panels. spacesailor
  3. But I find I'm more in communication! . By the internet, just like chatting with friends. Hi friends. spacesailor
  4. I was , under the impression, it was 36 volts ! . spacesailor PS. : even 12 v DC in an aluminium caravan, can store thousands of lethal amps .
  5. Those tags on extension leads , plus new home made , can have a SES certified tag appllied . They had a member sit a test to qualify , for that job . spacesailor
  6. " REGISTERED ELECTRICIAN ". Can't even get them to Install an ' Earth Leakage Breaker ' . It must be beyond their training . spacesailor
  7. All those electronic gizmo's. I will never use . Not even the radio . My Pajero has the media package and three remotes . Never used them . Perhaps I should remove the batteries. One day . I hate that braking thing , were a wheel has it's brake applied to spin the car in circles , whenever on sand . I was told " remove the fuse " just never found which fuse . Aaspacesailor
  8. I'm toying with the idea of a BEV . But $ 50,000 worth of petrol will last an awful long time ! . Which is something I lack . At $2.00 a litre it is about a full tanker . To tow behind my Pajero. the wife's against it , as she says I'm SKI . My reason is " the huge que " to get cheaper fuel . $1.77 in merrylands Sydney. spacesailor Ps. : no rooftop panels
  9. 40 days and 40 nights . Of rain, according to one book . spacesailor
  10. Steel does burn . An " oxy- lance " ( stee tube ) is used to cut through reinforced concrete , or scrap copper boilers . The steel- tube burns at the end & when air pressure is send through the same tube, it sends molten steel with it . spacesailor https://www.google.com/url sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DvqzJjOjThFc%26pp%3DygUQI294eWhlbHBpbmR1c3RyeQ%3D%3D&ved=2ahUKEwiiq9G4gquKAxUQRWwGHaanDJkQwqsBegQIDxAE&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2dcvF_AO_dOoXFtGRzd86u
  11. I must be weird!. As I can sleep" almost ' anywhere. even with the ' bedroom TV on . My wife hates that I can just go to sleep . ( while she is watching tv ) But , I fear falling asleep while driving . Then again those troublesome toilet stops , can't be good either . I have slept ( in a wheelbarrow ) next to a roaring ' blast furnace ' . spacesailor
  12. Don't eat . Don't shit. And you die . spacesailor
  13. But! Are they being reported . Three now . The firies , seemed ' nonchalant ' about the one I watched. As if they were used to them , & knew just what to do l . Short burst of water to cool & extinguish. No problems there . spacesailor
  14. The " newest " is least. And the . Oldest the most . Give it time, to see how many ' fall off their roofs ' cleaning those panels. I witnessed one rooftop fire , three houses away .so they can start fires , that could kill people . spacesailor
  15. " Bradwell " 40 years of getting a profit for their investors. Makes for higher retail prices . spacesailor
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