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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. My grandson ( in law ) liked to play music on his phone . While dialing in his next song , he almost hit a snag ( tree roots ) sticking out of the water .lots of onlookers shouted , and He dropped His phone to save the day . No chance of recovery . in a canoe on the " Bell river " spacesailor
  2. On water ! . You should wrap your personal belongings in a sturdy plastic bad ! , even double wrap to keep even splashing water off . spacesailor
  3. I missed that ' one ' . LoL spacesailor
  4. My eldest has left ' South West Rocks ' as the ' upstream ' floodgates have been opened. They won't get flooded , but isolated ' , by a low hight bridge being closed to all traffic. They just dropped in to tell us , while on their way to Victoria. spacesailor
  5. Take out a " advantage saver " account @ 5% pa . It will soon be enough for your funeral expenses. Just hang around a bit longer , 2042 ! , Come to my BIrthday party . LoL 2065 to beat the French ladies longevity of 122 years . spacesailor
  6. But after that superdupper hip replacement . Your muscles have withered away , so what was , a days work , now takes a week . Gransoms are all at work so no help there , & I refuse to take their weekend away . spacesailor
  7. Not on the young ! , who just " tap & go " a 4 dollar ' icecream ' . They don't seem to know the value of things like the older folk , who struggled to make do . spacesailor
  8. Probably rowing around his land . LoL spacesailor
  9. What do you expect! . Food in every shopping district. The smell permits our every waking hour . When are we going to get no calorie food . The Romans worked it out . 'pig- out then disgorge the whole meal ' . spacesailor
  10. My wife may have to use one . Just to make her O2 level right. spacesailor
  11. Less than Nev . My eye's went straight to it ! . Lower centre . Can't miss it . spacesailor
  12. Grandson just bought a 2014 model ! . lets hope it's a good one . His wife is off with their first baby & her employer has paid her off , Which, I thought was illegal ! . Must have been a good settlement as they didn't complain. spacesailor
  13. " BIG BROTHE IS WATCHING YOU " . 1984 The film ! . spacesailor
  14. I read .!. " Turmeric looses it's goodness with heat " , so put it on the cooked food , not in the cooking. spacesailor
  15. who's. Who .. Surely a " state " or ' post c9de ' could help " helpless " we ,to know your not ' down the road ' . My 2146 identifies that I'm not the Victorian Toongabbie, even the spelling is different. spacesailor
  16. " To hide the taste " . No , not turmeric. That ' spice ' has always been curry . I can manage a hint of turmeric . But, not the fiery taste of Curry . spacesailor
  17. I had better keep my mouth shut . Been there, done that , & it seems to have messed with my short-term memory . spacesailor
  18. Get a bigger shed ! . Better still get a " two-storey workshop " with the garage underneath . My garage is two storey ! As I have a pit to work under cars . ( saves the mattress when you turn car onto it's back ( yes I've done it more than once )) . spacesailor
  19. Never saw a " chef " with or Without a degree , being baked . England In the 1I960s lost ' tens. Of thousand's ' of cats . People were dining out at Indean restaurants, untill one got caught for meat substitution. Cat that was ! . Tastes just like chicken. And my inlaws still enjoy curry . Chicken Curry spacesailor
  20. I agree . and , they make better tucker , when your food runs low. Cat's make passable " Chicken curry " . spacesailor
  21. Even scratch your leg , if it's food is late . spacesailor & Lucky.
  22. There was a cheap Bentley for sale in Sydney area . The thought of that fuel being poured into the motor,as fast as the bowser could fill those two fuel tanks . Scary. spacesailor PS. : And : 2022 Bently flyig Spur . @ Pickles.com.au. auction lot no. 836 12 cylinder.
  23. Except for " Arrowtown " most tourists hot spots are up north . But you have two glaciers to keep your cool ! . LoL . there was five " glow-worm " sites in NZ spacesailor
  24. Trying to ' keep ' that enthusiastic teenage body is oh so painful. The people around complain of that creeking noise . LoL spacesailor
  25. Try " mount Tarawera " ! , ( 1,111 mtrs approximately ), at the top you can see both the Pacific ocean & the tasman Sea. The " buried village " is below & the " pink & white terraces " are a boat ride away . spacesailor
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