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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. MY last ( long ago )check , was £25,000 . Mother's boyfriend sold it behind my back, for a few shillings gambling money. After I was offered ! , A new bike ( of my choice ) and £2,000 by the BSA dealership Manager. spacesailor
  2. I had a BSA 250 Empire star !. 1937 with engine number 706 . ( girder forks , no pilion seat ). Worth a fortune now , that it's long gone . spacesailor
  3. AH well . Bring back the BSA Bantam ! . LoL spacesailor
  4. they , are to hold onto ! , When those ' auto doors ' hit you . LoL spacesailor
  5. Brexit! . What happened to the £millions that had to be paid to the European Community. Big cry , ' it would have paid for UKs healthcare ' . In 2020 England paid £ 23.8 Billion, and still owed £ 8 Billion . spacesailor
  6. We did miss you ! . All my best wishes for your speedy recovery. spacesailor
  7. spacesailor


    A sucker with a conscience!, Will, win " houses with cars & bullion, " while thinking he's donating to charity. . Or , a nice new aeroplane , spacesailor
  8. I think the lack of " honesty " from politicians. Is a big downer for me . Too many cheap promises. Without reprimand for breaking them .. spacesailor
  9. Halloween. Kids in " witches " costumes. What are they celebrating? . spacesailor
  10. Halloween Sorry my bad . Thats the " dead guys " night . SAMHAIN . Pagan festival for the end of ' harvest ' & start of the dark cold days of,winter . spacesailor
  11. I did, put Labor spacesailor
  12. Most of the people I know, are ditching labour, but still against the coalition. Except my daughter who is a devout " One Nation " party supporter. spacssailor
  13. We celebrate it ! . spacesailor
  14. Add another one degree or two to the temperature. we will have two crops of ' sitrus ' fruit every year . My tree blossomed twice but they are falling off. . now the temperature has dropped a couple of degrees. spacesailor
  15. Aldi's Seven hills $ 4.90 for six . Only 24 left , then 18 . They'r going out the door fast ! . spacesailor
  16. I do. You have to vote below the line ! . Then put Labor & the coalition . Last ! . spacesailor But that is a little complicated.
  17. My TPG / nbn has never made one month without an outage . We never get recompense for missing days . Optus gave credit for downtime which was two or three time a year . spacesailor
  18. why Can't I make my ' preferences go to any- other minority party ! , ,other than the two I distrust . liberals , the 'greens or One Nation party . If one third of voters preferences went to a minority party . would it still be counted as a minority Party ! . 31% Coalition , 29% Labor , 33.% The Green Party . who is the minority party . spacesailor
  19. Do the " other " parties get any preferences. If a major party failed to get more votes than a minor party , would that 'minor ' party, take preferences . spacesailor
  20. Cardwell the wettest place in Australia. spacesailor
  21. If only half the Labor supporters were offended. Like me . We're does it leave Labour . spacesailor
  22. Like labour splitting Australia with the " voice " . spacesailor
  23. But With all those safety devices even " autocide " ( motor suicide ) , should fail . I looked at a 2022 BMW xdrive . That had 'radar ' and everything to block an accident happening!. if a car can apply the brakes , keep you in the traffic lane . & refuse to accelerate into a tree . Why do people still die ! . spacesailor
  24. Then why so many deaths ! . spacesailor
  25. Recyclable wind generators ! . None of those. blades are Recyclable . They get buried. spacesailor
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