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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. marty_d My daughter has been a " backyard " mechanic before she left school . works at a Dubbo shop , something to do with ' motorcycles ' . Lots of Harley riders have dropped in to have an engine tweak . spacesailor
  2. A " poodle " . LoL spacesailor
  3. That's the one . I heard on telly, the junior helmsman saw that rock first , but was told to keep on course . spacesailor
  4. My wife misses an open fire . I remember the ' cold back ' when facing the heat . Turn & turn again . Like a pig on a spit . To warm both sides . spacesailor
  5. but will you except a $ note without Queen Elizabeth's picture on it . my first money had the king , then changed to the QUEEN , and I suppose , back to a king . three monarchs in one lifetime, not too bad . but then, there's , William. spacesailor
  6. It will get heaps more revenue . spacesailor
  7. ALMOST . As bad as the navel captain who told the " helmsman " To hold his course . straight onto rocks . Was it an Aussie ship . spacesailor
  8. Not only the " climbing ban " but , NO TOURIST PHOTOS. Really needed to be shouted out. All those overseas visitors, going home without photos. imagine, no photo of the " Opera house " or other Tourist attractions. spacesailor PS : I took photographs of every sign with the rock in the background.
  9. Go to parliament & start coughing. Security will test you free of charge . LoL spacesailor
  10. why am I looking. I like the " status Quote " , So no body here is allowed to ( decease ) . spacesailor
  11. Thank for this , ( man's shed ) social forum . It has helped me considerably. As it has for others. I hope you do get a return for your time spent , looking after us . Yes, by all means put a price onto our membership. spacesailor
  12. I bought a 'telescope ' for Halley's but it only came out as cotton wool. spacesailor
  13. As Macquarie bank , CEO was paid $ 53 ,000,000 per. Annum . ( the previous male) I think that's the area we need to bring into reality. spacesailor
  14. The ' clock. ' on the " BigBen " tower took a very colourful look , after it's cleaning. ( Elizabeth Tower is the correct name). spacesailor
  15. Great . Loved it . spacesailor
  16. Welcome to my world. NBN , has never made a full month , without a problem or fault . some times 4 days without internet and phone , ( to ring them ) . spacesailor
  17. And , why do we have " lead bullets " , And " floaties " . spacesailor
  18. Or , ' Elton loo ' . Who calls the " Loo " JOHN . Not my grandson " Johnathon " spacesailor
  19. Does " Ironbark " float in water . I noticed that some woods are that heavy, they sink . spacesailor
  20. No " site settings " so given up . Can't find " jave script " either. spacesailor
  21. onetrack. I tried it but no ," JavaScript " in the four headings . Running " CHROME " . will try " GOOGLE . spacesailor PS. : no good there , only two headings under those ' double keys ' .
  22. SO , the ' aggrieved ' . would have " every new Australian " spend twelve months in jail . No matter the consequences. Just to appease those few Australians . ( by numbers ). who were here first . I say bring back " 24 months of conscription " for Every Australian . No matter what Ethnic faction they belong to . spacesailor
  23. Here . Here . I maybe , the ' immigrant ' . My legacy is , my GGchildren have " Aboriginal " blood line . By way of a full Aboriginal GGmother , on their grandfathers side .
  24. Can't read it , without " subscription " . spacesailor
  25. A lot of ' immigrants ' have suffered the same starting point , when arriving in this " ALIEN " country. They have to adapt super fast . New language, new laws , new foods . Now you require to restart Australia under a different sovereignty. spacesailor
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