Saw my first " Smart car " , petrol powered .
I had to stop them to ask if it was a modified ' battery ' car , Supriseingly the first lot ' were ' petrol .
AHH !.
For the joy of " Radio Caroline " the ' pirates ship ' radio station.
Blew the rest of those radio stations away with their modern broadcasting.
( they are still lurking out there ) .
Taking that big stick , away from those demobbed Xmilitary people . Was good . They had seen cruelty at the highest
In war .
Putting them in schools with young children should have never have been allowed .
I presume you didn't get ' hospitalised ' much at all .
In my school life I've seen lots of brutality.
Blnding . Ruptured eardrums . & , Broken bones were commonplace .
Not a lot of ' education ' , but you learnt to duck very quickly .
Pensioners cannot get " credit " cards , they have to use their bank-card instead .
We have the ' largest firm ' backing our debit but are treated like lepers.
I believe ' most ' supermarkets ' let you have " cash-out " .
Less for them to carry to the bank .
Now we pensioners, are being charged a couple of dollars, when paying by
" debit card " not just credit cards .
This ' tablet ' requires an update .
But , after viewing the update " things ", there were nothing that I wanted ,
And plenty I didn't want .
So it keeps asking.
Molong lost aircraft .
I spotted the DC3 in a trucking company garden . ( from Mitchell highway) .
Somebody here could visit him to learn a little more .
Molong lost aircraft .
I believe it was the " possible " Bankstown air museum.
Transported by a trucking company. ( from that area ) .
Somebody here may know more about it. Also how many aircraft were moved . Including Ansett Airlines DC 3 .
There is still the odd bargain to be found.
I'm looking for a rural property with a hanger & sheds full of " Barnfinds " .
PS : an air-museum is lost in the " Molong " area of NSW.
THANKs to all those who have the courage & assets to save things from the scrap heaps .
I have had the chance to save objects of interest , but without deep pockets,
it's a foolish dream .