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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. I have in the past , ! . Written YES . spaceailor
  2. I picked . SECONDS M H D W M Y CENTURIES But not DECADES & SCORE YEARS . I'm only 4 score & 2 . In English... spacesailor
  3. The partners of " hamas " should take them , As they started this ' round ' of the war . spacesailor
  4. Do uoy play that OLD gambling thing ' pick the draws ' . I had a unmarked ticket in my pocket for an awfully long time , but never played it . spacesailor
  5. Australia has ( reportedly ) a bird ( black ) helping Goana's unzip tents to raid for food. The bird sticks its beak between the two zips to allow the Goana's to push through into the tent . Saw it on a video . spacesailor
  6. My. Main reason to stop drinking reticulated water . They said it would only take five years off your lifespan. And it doesn't do anything for your teeth. ( or Dentures ). Now we are being fed " foliate " like it or not . spacesailor
  7. True , " anti-French " when degaul made the English word " LORRY " illegal. " Camion " sounds horrid . To close to ' dead things ' . And they never tried to help those thousands of English ' RAIL WORKERS ' that were ordered to fix the French railways. Just left them , to be shot as spies . I would be more open to the German " Dauchland Industrial Number " ( DIN ) system . At least I had used it in ' photography ' . One pint = 600 millilitres . French 6 Decilitres , or Demilitres Aussie 60 Centilitres . spacesailor Il est parti bore un biere Just doesn't work for me
  8. LoL . It's a truefull observation. spacesailor
  9. But " where " do you send that washing water ! . Hopefully not the drain , spacesailor
  10. I agree ! . I have a definite deficiency in maths . It was allways hard to do sums mentally. And , when I was getting just a little better, those " Dastardly " French changed everything, Now I can't even Tally-up my shopping lists. ( not an age problem ) . spacesailor
  11. Four children, is not breading like ' rabbits ' , Compared to our ancestors, we are Not ' over imbibing ' at all . spacesailor
  12. I saw it ( handcuffs ) , but never thought anything out Of the object . spacesailor
  13. The clock with " Roman " numerals ! . spacesailor
  14. I have " stereo " hearing aids & before I paid $100 for the upgraded ' remote ' , I had to pull then out , whenever I went into a noisy environment, ' supermarkets are very noisy. Now I try not to wear them as I get ear infections . spacesailor
  15. Got it ! . They're all right hand drives . Must be French . LoL I didn't know 'god' was ginger headed . So can't be " New York " USoA . spacesailor
  16. Declining birthrates MUST be good for the whole world . Long live the alphabet peoples. Small families . My mother-in-law , 14 kids . two kids 14 . ( over one thousand cousins ) . My wife & I , four , 15 grandkids , 20 great grand kids , and another pregnancy. Plus a couple of single grand kids . I'll go broke with birthday presents. My hair will turn whiter than white . LoL. ( while I can ). spacesailor
  17. My ' deafness ' is industrial. I hear the tap dripping, the deep rumbling noises . I can't hear cicadas, the cat meowing or even small birds chirping. TV has to be loud , then I put in my ears. Turn that TV down low , I can hear the wife talking . I wonder how long & what was the question she asked . spacesailor
  18. A failed gas strut will need that very strong ' wind ' to help lift those bigger bonnets. spacesailor
  19. A trick for expediting the triage. Lay down on fhe floor . triage will ask you to " sit " , , if you can't situp you will be seen ! . My neighbour had full resuscitation, & was breathing Independently, while waiting the seemingly Long time for transport for a 7 minute trip . If the above had been successful, she should have survived her embolism/ brain haemorrhage . spacesailor
  20. Didn't work for my neighbour !. Or that person who died while " ramped " . spacesailor
  21. Happen to those Old steamers . The government slapped a weight tax on vehicles. Knowing water has to be carried by the steaming vehicles. 100 mph in a steam car ! . Nice . spacesailor PS : why all the fuss to get the Old " tram " back . So much easier to convert bases to " trolley " bus and Not dig up the roads , making wheel traps for cyclists. spacesailor
  22. The same as " hanging in garage " . Push a catch , on side to lower . spacesailor
  23. That " Ambulance " didn't do any good for my neighbour. According to. The husband, 90 minutes elapsed, from pick up . To the doctor saying " brain dead " . spacesailor
  24. A nurse needs a reliable car . That is more a necessary transport with ' call outs ' at any hour, day & night . And still have to pay ' parking fees ' to the hospital, she has been ' summoned ' To . spacesailor
  25. So ! . Don't call an Ambulance. Almost 40 minutes for a 7 minute car trip . to our hospital . For stroke victim. My last ambulance trip , almost an hour . After the " emergency " phone call . ( overdose on first blood pressure reduction tablet. 5mg script 10mg delivered) . spacesailor
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