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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. Those Old suburbs on the quarter acre block , are ripe For putting four or six cramped boxes in the place of one with a lovely garden . Even get a " highrise " block of 80 unit flats on that big block . spacesailor
  2. Today's ' new policy of ' evicting low density housing residents ' to build 'high density flats ' , seems a little harsh , after that " Home-owner " has worked the Old system, only to find the new system has made them . Part of the " homeless " , that this " new " system is trying to correct. spacesailor
  3. And ! . Now they expect tips here in Australia. If I can remember 10% , added to your bill. pluss 10 $ GST , Soon they will add a quarter , of the bill to your ' credit card account ' . Then there's the card surcharge . On the gst component too . I will get the wife to cook our meal , before we leave home . But then again . I prefer home cooked meals anyway . A top ( local ) restaurant charged us $ 30 for desserts. ' Aldi's cake & Aldi's icecream . I was not impressed . spacesailor
  4. Ratepayers will get hit again . Guaranteed spacesailor
  5. Your doing better than I. $50 on " Lotto " got me $ 18 . So I sold that " winning " ticks for $ 50 . Net loss $ 0 . I was asked , to sell it as an ' Australian souvenir ' . I hope they think is better than a " speeding ticket " that was sold as SOUVENIR , some time ago . spacesailor
  6. NOT just " revenueing " first . And safety last . Another full second of yellow would loose them $ millions. spacesailor
  7. I have a grandson , starting out on that ' building ' career. Hopefully will not get too big . To pay huge salaries For upper management . ( K I S S ) . spacesailor
  8. NSW They wouldn't drop a fine for 0.05 seconds ' red light ' Camera infringement, even when I stared to cross On the green light , I should have thrown caution & safety to the wind & booted it when the yellow came on . Silly me forgot they are Revenuer's first .safety second . spacesailor
  9. It will keep happening ! . Untill the " unsecured creditors " are made ' Secured ' . Then , when the bosses & CEO 's plus upper management . Loose their assets the ' world ' will be changed . spacesailor
  10. " speeding is voluntary " . wrong , the " Revenuer's " , are forever changing the speed limits to keep that lucrative revenue filling their coffers. Briens road North mead is a blatant example . Dropped the limit 10 kph , & made $ millions in 3 months. James Rouse drive ( leading to Brian's rd ) was 90 kph , then 80 , then 70 . Three reduced limits solely to raise revenue . Not because of safety . or they would Not have added 10 kph Later on . spacesailor
  11. Dwarf, Dwight , Dwelling , Dwyane, Dweller 's . Oops. A little to much information . spacesailor
  12. Don't they have Australia's strict ' driving ' laws ' . Driving test every year after 85 . Stringent medical's for pilots . spacesailor
  13. NO ' Seismic Exploration ' for " rare earth minerals " . Perhaps without that slave Labor, we sometimes see on the news, The better battery's would never evolved . spacesailor PS : not knocking progress, without mr Flemming's ' penicillin ' I wouldn't be here.
  14. All those pollutants, from IC cars. Are. Removed when using " Hydrogen " . Only water is exhausted. spacesailor
  15. Could the " ejection " seat still be hot ! . Or other part be considered ' dangerous. spacesailor
  16. Remote area's ! . Perth to Adelaide, what's the alternative road route? . Tibooburra & Birdsvlle fly-in via Burke by road . ( From Dubbo ) . We do need to see Australia , At least once , in a life time . And I did go to see the " fly-in " , not the pub , with it's great cold beer . spacesailor PS : I forgot about the horse races . LoL
  17. I hope your " Esim " equipment works when not in urban Area . I had two punctures , the first going to Tibooburra & one returning, both on the Silver City highway. I doubt you will. Get any help quickly stuck there waiting For the ' overrated ' nrma , As when you breakdown on the " Nullarbor highway " , they make any excuse to get out of those " $ 3500 Towing " bills . Been there when it happened . AND the shock on the members face being left high & dry in the middle of nowhere . ( managed to get an empty ' car carrier' to get them from roadhouse to Ceduna ) . spacesailor
  18. Anti : strike trough that . "corruption watch-dog ", Just keeping an eye on their mates . spacesailor
  19. Someone from the dealership changed his ' wheel ' , for a space saver tyre/wheel & was told not to use it on the toll ( fast ) roads . I have no idea of the cost if any to him . I personally would. not buy a ethical that has no spare wheel . As I have had far too many damaged tyres in my travels. spacesailor PS : why have two boots & no spare .
  20. My next door neighbour had a puncture, there is no spare in his model 3 Tesla . Someone came & changed his ' wheel ' , for a skinny tyre & was told not to use it on the toll ( fast ) roads . I have no idea of the cost . spacesailor
  21. 130 kph or 140 is legal on the Stuart highway. AND, in certain sections no top speed limits. A Bentley Sports car was driven at full speed there & nowhere else . spacesailor
  22. I have been told . The longevity record that I hopped to exceed, is now . 130 plus years. , by a north American native . I have no other information of this momentous achievement. spacesailor
  23. I'm four score & two. Just don't think about that ' age ' thing . But . I still can't jump puddles. LoL spacesailor
  24. Corn, tomatoes and brussel sprouts . but there's more . spacesailor
  25. It could be ' tiresome ' . I do, read your questions but cannot post, without an answer . Thank you ALL that post . spacesailor
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